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Thursday, January 9, 2025

 Nombres y Apellidos: Rosita Blanca Piñero

País : Venezuela

Segunda Opción : poesía por la Vida.


¡Mamá! Yo fuí ese fruto bendito

de tu entrega, al gran amor

quizás no estaba en tus planes

pero fueron designios de Dios.

Amaba tus benditas entrañas

que me darían la vida

y a tus manos inocentes

con amor me cuidarian.

Yo en tu vientre muy contento

en unos meses nacería

pensaba que en tu vida

era motivo de alegría.

Como un pececito en el agua

navegaba yo en tu vientre

no podía imaginar

lo que planeaba tu mente.

Naufragué en el bergantín

en un océano de maldad

yo pude haber sido tu hijo

más no de tu propiedad.

Decidiste por mi vida

en un acto de cobardía

pusiste fin a mi existencia

destruyendo mi morfología.

No sabrás cuánto luché

defendiendo mi cuerpito

de aquel enemigo sin tregua

que destruía mis bracitos.

Seguía aferrado a la vida

escondido en los rinconcitos

no pude protejer mi cabeza

pues ya no tenía manitos.

Y con llanto desesperado

me sentí desfallecer

entendí que yo era el hijo

que nunca debía nacer.

Fecha : 5/01/2025.

©Todos los derechos reservados

Rosita Piñero.

Caracas, Venezuela

 This is Love 

Work : Edy Samudra Kertagama 

Don't remember that hug, when we were in the rain. because he had long buried his dreams in a barren desert that no longer bloomed. 

You can just count how many stars there are when the sky is dark just to remember if we ever walk along the road to look for a place where we will later sow seeds there. 

In the past, I once picked a flower for a dowry in a hundred love poems, even though I thought it was too romantic and vain. 

Oh, is this love when wisdom is always questioned then it becomes a dream, while I have been so secretly in love with you, when the light has long gone, then sleep falls into silence. 

Lampung-Indonesia, 2025

Barbara Di Sacco

 Messaggi murali

I muretti sugli attracchi

dei natanti incrostati

custodiscono verniciati messaggi naif

lungo viali cittadini

dove alberi smilzi mimano primavere

Soli custodi di notti abbandonate

e sigarette spente, tagliano strade

con strisce zebrate e umidità 

Sorge il giorno

asciugando le lacrime ferruginose

che odorano di sangue

nei risvegliati lamenti

di viabilità 

Le piazze spengono i lampioni dagli occhi

e l' ululato della solitudine

accende la sirena di una pattuglia

Miagola la città stropicciandosi di risveglio 

un po' appannata la luce

raggrinzita come la camicia 

di un tassista che ha corso la notte

Graffiti lunghi come film

aprono  grigiore e scarso entusiasmo

mentre un palombaro

saldato al muro

risale il proprio spazio

                             🦋 Barbara Di Sacco ©️ 2025

 Barbara Di Sacco


Ci sono giorni in cui

il mare è troppo piatto 

assente è il vento

non trovi la dimensione 

non stai

non sei

Niente corrente, elettricità

Aria è patina

il caos, silenzio 

La mia farfalla, ferma

chissà su quale fiore, lontano

La mia pelle, nata nera

come l' anima

cuore di cuoio essiccato

non suona


lucciole non han danzato

Seduta nel deserto di mercurio

osservo la stella polare

non è un pastore

non indica verdi pascoli

Una povera mucca

d' arida carne, sfinita, dinanzi

Vorrei saltare

con l' altezza di un Masai

per toccare le stelle 

E te, luna...

Taci, riposi ..

E mia madre non può cantare

                               🦋 Barbara Di Sacco ©️ 2023

Its Christmas Every Time


Its Christmas Every Time


It’s Christmas every time,

An embrace opens up,

From the rigid shell of the Earth,

To reject wars.

It’s the kindness that gently wraps around you,

Like a ray of sunshine resting upon the heart.


Its Christmas every time you,

Choose to extend a hand,

To dissolve hatred,

To make a smile bloom,


Its Christmas every time you,

Listen to the other,

Understand their suffering,

Sing their melody when they have lost their words, their emotions,

Share in their regained joy.


Its Christmas every time you,

Reject indifference,

And move forward determined to change your existence.

Even in the midst of hatred, of war,

Your essence becomes presence,

It’s an act of love,

Hope, a prelude to peace,

The true Christmas,

Is in the humanity that moves forward, that loves, that welcomes,

It’s the light of a starlit night

That illuminates the path.



Ada Rizzo was born in Sicily in 1960.

 Her life isbuilt on solid roots and traditional values. Optimistic, cheerful, curious, and creative, she is interested in art and psychology. She loves to cook and adores music. After a thirty-year career at IBM Italy, she decided to reinvent herself. For several years now, she has been a Life Counselor with a humanistic-relational approach and a Facilitator in Mindfulness.

In 2021, she published her first novel with a strong autobiographical tone titled “Volevoiltaccododici?” which received an honorary mention at the intercontinental literary award “Le Nove Muse.”

She wrote the introduction to the poetry collection “Il Rumoredell’acqua” by Italian poet Andrea Ruiu.

In 2022, she published her second novel “Iris Ali di Vetro,” which addresses the delicate topic of eating disorders (ED).

In 2023, she published her third novel “Novantabattiti al minuto”, a true story that tackles the sensitive issue of heart transplantation, for which she received the Jury Prize at the International Literary Art Award Cygnus Aureus 2024.

In 2024, she published "VentiquattroCarati," which addresses the theme of gender-based violence. This work received awards at the “Premio Internazionale di Arte Letteraria La Via dei Libri,” “Concorso Letterario Internazionale Lord Byron 2024,” “Premio Internazionale di Arte Letteraria Il Canto di Dafne 2024,” and “Concorso Letterario Argentario 2024 & Caravaggio VIII Edition.”

In 2024, she also published the fairy tale “Zoè e ilpalloncinoarancio,” which is inspired by an episode from the Author's life.

For the social themes addressed in her books, the author has received several recognitions, including the “Premio Internazionale per la Pace e la Difesa dei Diritti Umani Italia 2023,” the “Premio al Merito Civico per la Solidarietà e l'Inclusione delle Persone con Disabilità 2023,” the “Premio di Solidarietà per l'Arte e l'Impegno Civico 2024,” and the “Reconocimiento Internacional Mujer Destacada 2024” for her dedication to art, culture, peace, and social justice worldwide.

In 2024, she participated in an international cultural project for peace and the defense of human rights, which led to the anthology “Art without Borders,” a poetic collection that brings together 36 poets and international artists. Her contribution, "Nelsilenzio del mondo," is part of this anthology. Her poems “Una lucenell’oscurità” and “Donne” which are dedicated to the fight against gender-based violence, have been translated into English, Arabic, Spanish, Bengali, and German, and are included in various international anthologies and literary magazines.

Life has taken her everywhere. Love has brought her back home.

Abeera Mirza

A New Beginning*

There are some closed doors, 

They will stay close and help in opening more. 

If some doors stay close, 

Don't worry it means a new one is chosen. 

New beginnings are about to open,

Just don't stop hoping. 

Bad days will end,

Good days will begin. 

If some doors are getting shut,

They strengthen our gut to wait. 

Each door leads to a new path,

Each path has its own math. 

Life is the part of heavy road,

But it will assist how to take load.

©Abeera Mirza

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 DINÁMICA 01: Mi Regalo para 2025.

El Rincón de la Poesía.

Autora: Rosita Piñero.

País: Venezuela


Contando con la franqueza

de sinceros sentimientos

A mis amigos llevo dentro

los admiro en su grandeza

para ellos fortaleza

en este año que comienza

bendiciones en recompensa

que el Padre Creador los bendiga

por cada acción cometida

la felicidad sea inmensa

Con mucha sinceridad

les deseo paz y amor

un buen cambio en su interior

donde reine la humildad

de  frente a la libertad

y en defensa de la vida

la humanidad encendida

a favor del desvalido

apoyando sus seres queridos

la Misión será cumplida.


Caracas, enero 2025

Nina Zarkova

 Нейно Превъзходителство

Дама Офицер, Проф. Д-р (х.к.) Амб. НИНА ЗАРКОВА, България


Накичена със злато, 

облечена в коприна, 

вече май не съм

онази, палавата Нина,


флиртуваше с едно момче засмяна

в слънчева, 

закътана поляна.

Сега сънувам

щури ветрове, които

се премятат 

в нивите със жито

и търсят те момичето, което със герданче

от мъниста и пайети,


мечтите свои лудо,


с цветя и с пеперуди

и казваше

на всяка самодива:

"Виж ме колко

съм щастлива!"

Накичена със злато,

облечена в коприна,

пак съм си онази,

хубавата Нина.

Ще посрещна 

утрото с целувки,

на кръстопът 

ще хвърля

лачените си обувки

и боса след едно момче

ще тичам,

за да го догоня

и обичам.

 Viorica Crecan



Luceafărul lui Eminescu,

coboară pe-o rază de lumină,

intră pe fereastră

în casa mea și-o luminează.

Mi-am pus în vaze flori albastre 

de nu mă uita, nuferi albi 

din lacul albastru 

împrospătând aerul 

din preajma mea.

Adese trec și eu 

pe lângă plopii fară soț 

și toți vecinii mă cunosc,

numai tu iubit-o nu mă cunoști, 

mă faci doar la tine 

să mă gândesc.

Poposesc sub teiul bătrân înflorit 

cu crengile lăsate la pământ,

mă descătușez, oftez 

și sper să mă linistesc în curând.

Ajungând la lacul albastru

încărcat cu flori de nuferi,

privesc lung, atent să văd 

dacă apare dintre trestii 

iubita surâzătoare 

să plutim cu luntrea mică 

amândoi cuprinși de farmec.

Nu-o zăresc, tristețea, 

mă cuprinde precum para focului,

nu-o pot stinge, 

pe mal rămân singuratic.

În umbra falnicelor bolți aștept, 

aștept și iar aștept 

iubita să vină, 

nu vine și așteptarea mea

este făra rost.

             Viorica Crecan

Zalău - România - 08.01.2025

   Drepturi de autor rezervate

Maria Fajardo  Cajamarca 

Empezar a envejecer.

Hacerse vieja es un regalo 🙏.  A veces me sorprendo de la persona que vive en mi🪞espejo. Pero no me preocupo por esas cosas mucho tiempo. Yo no cambiaría todo lo que tengo por unas canas menos; o un estómago  plano. No me regaño por no hacer la cama o por comer algunos chocolates 🍫. 

Estoy en mi derecho de ser temática en la puntualidad y el orden, ser extravagante en los colores de mi vestuario 👗 y pasar horas limpiando y contemplando mis adornos de plata. 

Actualmente a través de redes sociales y con mucha nostalgia 😪he visto familiares, algun@s querid@s amig@s, a mis ex-maestr@s irse de este mundo antes de haber disfrutado la libertad que viene con hacerse 👵 vieja.

-¿A quién le interesa si elijo:  leer, escribir ✏ poesía, jugar, viajar ✈o si me fue bien o mal en uno de mis viajes; si me duelen o no mis rodillas producto de tanto 👠 zapato encantador y alto en mi juventud; y después dormir hasta quien sabe qué hora.

Bailaré conmigo al ritmo de los 55's y 60's. Haré divertir 😀 a mi familia en nuestras fiestas con mis ocurrencias de bailarina 💃 o adueñarme del micrófono del karaoke 🎼 ... Y si después deseo llorar 😢 por algún amor perdido...¡Lo he hecho! - !Lo haré! 

Caminaré por la playa 🏖 con un traje de baño que se estira sobre mi cuerpo regordete y haré un clavado en las olas dejándome ir, a pesar de las miradas de compasión de las que usan 👙 hilo. Ellas también se harán viejas, si tienen 🍀 suerte …

Es verdad que a través de los años mi corazón 💔 ha sufrido por la pérdida de un ser querido: mi hermana  Patricia, mis tí@s a quienes llamo ñañit@s o por el dolor de un@ 👦 niñ@, o por ver morir a mis mascotas: Perlitas.

Pero es el sufrimiento lo que nos da fuerza y nos hace crecer. Un corazón que no se ha roto, es estéril y nunca sabrá de la felicidad de ser imperfecto. Me siento orgullosa por haber vivido lo suficiente como para que mis cabellos se vuelvan grises y por conservar la sonrisa 😀 escandalosa y contagiante de mi juventud, antes de que aparezcan los surcos profundos en mi cara (mis ojeras).

-¡Me gusta ser vieja, porque la vejez me hace más sabia, más libre!-. 

Se que no voy a vivir para siempre pero mientras esté aquí, voy a vivir según las leyes de mi 🙏 Dios y las de mi corazón.  No pienso lamentarme por lo que no fue, ni preocuparme por lo que  será. 

El tiempo que quede, simplemente amaré ♥ la vida o tomaré café ☕ como lo hago hasta hoy …

 Lily Swarn

Happy Gurpurab 

(Gurpurab di lakh lakh wadhai hove Ji )


He came galloping on 

His handsome blue steed 

A hawk glittery eyed on his 


The Saint soldier 

The one who taught 

Sparrows to fight with 


The one who blessed 


To destroy the might 

Of one and a quarter 


The Guru 

Who was

A Disciple too !

He who created 


Out of Sikhs 

Spiritual master 




The last living Sikh 


Who sacrificed four 

Beloved Sons 

For faith and truth 

Ajit singh Jujhar singh 

Martyred in the 

Battle of Chamkaur  Sahib

Tender aged Zoravar Singh 

And Fateh Singh 

Bricked alive.  

The one who baptised 

All castes into one 

The Resplendent

Turbaned Khalsa 

With the five symbols 

Of purity !

Khalsa belongs to God 

Victory belongs to God !

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa 

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh  !

Copyright Lily Swarn

The Magnificence of her “LOVE”


The Magnificence of her “LOVE

Her aura heats with compassionate fire,

Melting fears, with love`s delicate desire,

Gentle compels, she engages, through the admires,

Weaving threads of pair, repair, and soft care,

Tender amorous, only in her embrace, all are deeply fair,

Dwells down, the one ever-lasting forgets, yet it's rare,

Beyond the mountain lines, she sensibly signs the right,

Athena like the aroma, in heaven-like eyes, when she sights,

Altogether a mound of magnificence binds in a pack,

Rare in rare, she magnetizes the melodies, unveiling the track,

Her aura like Hera whispers until the edge.




Tajalla Qureshi, a starlight of treasure has emerged from Pakistan. Tajalla Qureshi, a wordsmith extraordinaire, masterfully intertwines the threads of introspection, devotion, and creativity to craft mesmerizing sagas that transport readers to new dimensions. She is weaving words to wonders.

As a multifaceted literary artist, Tajalla's repertoire includes poetry, creative columns, essays, and flash fiction. Her writing is a testament to her skill and passion and intertwining intricate patterns that evoke emotions, spark imagination, and inspire the soul.

A sought-after international interviewer, columnist, and editor, Tajalla's work has captivated audiences worldwide. Her unique voice, lyrical language, and profound insights have solidified her position as a leading literary figure in Pakistan and beyond.

Furthermore, her words are a testament to the transformative power of literature. With each sentence, she embroiders a tapestry of emotions, ideas, and experiences that invite readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and wonder.















I Will Look for Light


I Will Look for Light

Mind says,


Let's run,

 Let's go to the land of green Plow in hand with sickle on shoulder,

 As a village farmer,

 I will put the morning dew on my face colored sunlight,

 I will fill my heart with the song of birds,

 That would be great.

I will pick flowers in the forest of flowers I will eat honey Colorful wings with fins Bees are all together Wake up to the song of birds I will see you every morning.

Clouds in the blue sky I will look for light.


Manik Chakraborty, a man of simple nature, is a well-developed and intellectual consciousness in the Unique creations of Bengali Rhymes Literature.The free movement of rhymes written by Manik Chakraborty is about people's thoughts and feelings, hopes and desires, feelings of joy and pain.

This gifted poet who loves pure culture and literature is a bank employee but spends most of his leisure time as a writer and a literary organizer. He is always present in the meetings of the country's young and old famous poets and literary rhymers to gain knowledge in organizational activities.Manik Chakraborty, "The Rhyme Composer of Time" made 'Mirror' with rhymes, in which the readers can easily see every aspect of the nation including country-society, religion-politics.

Fearlessly truthful rhymer Manik Chakraborty has composed the priceless collection of rhymes in his long pursuit, the entire composition was published as a poetic book, named "Manik Chakrabortyr Chhora Samagra" by Pratibha Publication in "Amar Ekushe Book fair 2017". The appeal of each rhyme theme in this Poetic Book is beautifully presented by the rhymer in his invaluable diction to the readers.

 Rhyme poet Manik Chakraborty was born on 1st February 1966 in Munsir Hat North Sripur, Feni, Bangladesh. Present residence is Fatullah of Narayanganj (Bangladesh). His Mother's name Kanan Bala Chakraborty, Father's name Sunil Baran Chakraborty. Manik Chakraborty's world of happiness is made up of son Amit Chakraborty, daughter Avanti Chakraborty and life partner Archana Chakraborty. Manik is the eldest among four sisters and three brothers.




Undress Inside by Anna Maria Lombardi


Undress Inside


When the eye,

He undresses,

And the clouds thinning,

They evaporate,

Bringing coolness,

On hot sections,

Of internalwounds,

New babies are born,

The branches that sprout,

They design new houses,

And the memories come,

Hanging on distant walls.

And, nothing disturbs anymore,

The new view,

On the ocean,

In front of me,

And inside mysea

He becomes peaceful again.



Cav. Doctor Anna Maria Lombardi, Doctor of Philosophy, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Poet, Essayst, wasborn in the City of Art of San Severo (FG) and lives in the province of Bergamo. Shehasreceivedimportant Career Awards, and other cultural and literary awards of greatvalue: First Prizes, Trophies, Special Awards, Critics and manyothersimportant awards, bothpoetic and literary.  On 25th  October 2024, with other names of greatpersonalities of the international scene, at the PIME in Milan shewasawarded for Excellence in Career for the Literature category with the following motivation: "For usingher position and skills to improve society through social initiatives of greatimportance."

The books of herpoems and the poetic and artistic-literarycollectionsshehascreated and curated, born in various fields and intended for the purpose of charity, are characterized by considerableliterary, poetic and social depth. Herpoems, translatedintootherlanguagesaswellas the 19 volumespublished, are found in manyItalian and foreignanthologies, national and international magazines on paper and on websites. In allhonesty, we can saythather works havereceived a particular and flatteringpraise from both the public and critics. The author, whoisalsoactiveas creator and organizer of national and international literary events, haswrittenarticles, essays, reviews and prefaces. Sheisalsojuror and president, evenhonorary, in importantliterarycompetitions of greatprestige. The poetherselfis the creator and co-founder of the cultural association "Movimento Internazionale Artistico Letterario - Group", alsopresentas Facebook group, since 2017, with the aim of promoting and encouraging the development, exchange and diffusion of culture, poetry, literature and art. Thisis the context in which the international literature and poetrycompetitionshewanted and supported and of whichsheispresidentfits in, a roleshealsoholdsat the associative level, LA MAGIA DELLE PAROLE whichhasachievedconsiderable success over the years and whichwaspresent, with great pride of the entireMovement, in the schedule of Bergamo-Brescia Capitale della Cultura-2023.

In 2024, shehasbeenhonored with the title of Knight of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica Italiana).



Tuesday, January 7, 2025

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar

País : Venezuela

Poema : quisiera olvidarte

Quisiera olvidarte 


Y tener el poder de sacarte 

de mi piel y mi mente. 

Arrancarte de mis pensamientos 

Y borrarte de mi corazón 

Pero ya veo que los sentimientos

Son siempre más fuertes que la razón. 

Y yo quisiera olvidarte

Pero hay una parte

De mi ser que se rebela

Un pedazo de mi que te anhela

Y que no deja nunca de extrañarte. 

Y yo quisiera olvidarte, 

Pero hay un impulso

Que cambia mis planes de curso

Que me hace que piense

por siempre en buscarte

Y que no deje nunca de extrañarte.

 Mehmet Rrema 


Çfarë ka mbetur më në Tokën e Shenjtë

Gjithçka të mirë që pat u dogj

U bë hi, u bë shkrumb

U dogjën shtëpitë, pemët, gurët rrugët 

U dogjën njerëzit, të gjallë

U dogj shpirti i fjalës,e ardhmja në udhëkryq…

Kudo tym, flakë

Loti i nënave u dogj

Gojëhapur ferri, ndez flakët

Askush nuk ka guxim të hedhë një kovë ujë

Ujë?! Hahaha, ku ka ujë sot? Uji është djegur

Nuk e shikoni? Hapni sytë o njerëz

Po digjet uji!....po digjet …qielli kudo tym e flakë

Zemra mbetur lakuriq mbi hirin e nxehtë

Nuk gjen vend për varr

Duart vendosur rreth kokës

Nuk e mbrojnë jetimin

Megjithatë ai mund të shprehë dëshirën 

Dielli numëron hapat në tokën që digjet 

Mbi Tokën e Shenjtë

Një vello e hollë ende shkëlqen

Nuk di

Ka mbetur aty për të shprehur shqetësimin

Apo shpresë në zemër të gurit

As deti nuk mundi ta lajë fytyrën e nxirë të tij 

Trupat e thyer të shpresës 

Përpëliten në një tas oriz të bardhë

Buzët e ngrira digjen nga akulli

Dashuria braktisi Tokën e Shenjtë

Në vend të sajë, urrejtja pjell këlysh të zinj

Klerikët me zë të fishkur

Flasin akoma për Tokë të Shenjtë 

Unë në injorancën time pyes

Çfarë ka këtu për tu quajtur e “Shenjtë” 

S’mund të Shenjtëroj luftën dhe urrejtjen 

Ne ateistët “shenjtërojmë” veç dashurinë

Le të kujtojmë Aushwic, Vietnam, Kamboxhia 


Ooo sa shumë, sa shumë tym,zjarr, gjak..

A mund tja falim historisë?

Urrejtja dhe lufta ti mbeten të shkuarës

Të ndërtojmë kështjella dashurie mbi tokën tonë

 Contemporary human beings on the earth must urgently jointly build a reasonable and intelligent "world government system".


 ~Ying-Chieh Huang ~



 Contemporary human beings on the earth must urgently jointly build a reasonable and intelligent "world government system".

 Contemporary human beings must use the "smart earth" concept of "world integration administrative thought global democracy constitutional government republican cosmopolitanism" to urgently build a smart "Earth unified management committee", formulate the "Earth World Constitution" to transform the United Nations into a reasonable smart world  The government system uses global computer network and big data technology system technology to make overall plans to establish the collective management of the global human leadership to command the administrative center to achieve the most reasonable and effective "smart global sustainable governance policy" for the global human being.  , A one-stop administrative system for decision-making and execution, to resolve the increasingly severe survival crisis of humanity on the earth, and to make humanity move towards a safer and more stable life on the earth, so as to ensure the sustainable peace, coexistence and common prosperity of humanity worldwide.

 This is the only countermeasure to maintain the public safety and public interests of the earth.

 This has great benefits in common for all humans in the world.

 This is the greatest plan for the leadership of 245 political entities around the world to urgently work together.

 This is the greatest solution that can accelerate the expansion of the world’s only chance to resolve the more severe survival crisis of the planet.

 In this case, based on the collective wisdom of human elites, precise logical reasoning and verification, we will determine the single most effective measure to promote various global governance policies, with a world-wide scale and greatest influence.

 This will be the only human food chain system that can bring together global elite humans and resources, and fundamentally change the planet. It will transform the sustainable human food chain system of the planet or other defenses that resolve the natural disasters of the earth, and solve the crisis of human survival on the earth.  The idea of ​​the only intelligent innovative and feasible solution that makes humanity safer and more stable, the greatest and most global potential.

 It will make the greatest contribution to the sustainable peace, coexistence and common development of human beings on the earth.


 1. Phenomenon

 Humanity has gone through two green revolutions in history.

 The first green revolution

 It is to create scientific and technological agricultural development methods for the purpose of increasing grain output and produce sufficient food for human beings.

 In the modern era of 650,000 years, the earth's greenhouse gases are extremely high.  A United Nations research report shows that this is caused by humans.

 It is speculated that by 2050 AD, the average temperature of the earth will rise by 2 degrees Celsius; the average temperature of the earth in the past 10,000 years has only risen by 2 degrees Celsius.

 Comparing with the standards from 1980 to 1999, the United Nations estimates that the average surface temperature of the earth in 2100 will rise by 1.1 degrees Celsius to 6.4 degrees Celsius.  The sea level will rise by 150 cm in 2100, and more than one-third of the world's population will be threatened, and agriculture and industry will be shut down.

 Today's human development needs exceed the supply capacity of nature.

 In 1961, mankind’s demand for natural resources was equivalent to 70% of the earth’s regenerative capacity.

 In the 1980s, the balance was maintained.

 In 1999, mankind's demand for earth resources was already greater than 20% of the earth's regenerative capacity.

 The second green revolution

 It is the global warming effect since the genesis, and human beings must be alert to a carbon-reducing lifestyle.

 Until now, the global population has exploded to more than 7.5 billion people.

 Scientific evidence shows that global greenhouse gases must start to decline in 2015 to control the rise will not exceed 2 degrees Celsius, otherwise the earth will enter an irreversible vicious cycle, including war, plague, famine, drought, flood, hurricane and other disasters will  Take turns sweeping the earth.

 However, the United Nations IPCC Global Climate Summit has been in discussion for 30 years. The average annual carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has reached 410ppm, and it has continued to rise without stopping.

 Scientists point out that there is a 93% chance that humans will avoid a global average temperature rise of 2 degrees c.

 2. Strategy

 There are two directions to avoid the vicious detonation of contemporary climate and environmental disasters and change the way of life of human beings on the earth:

 1. Moral persuasion of human beings around the world and change the way of life of human beings.

 Second, formulate a proper and unified new life law for human beings around the world, legislate and strictly enforce it.

 The moral persuasion of human beings has clearly failed to achieve the desired results in the past 30 years.

 The only way to save the earth’s greenhouse effect today and to prevent the human survival crisis from detonating is only the world’s human beings jointly formulating a unified new law of life and implementing global legislation.  In other words, global human beings must integrate to formulate and implement effective global governance policies and carry out global governance in order to ensure the goal of human coexistence and common prosperity.

 The current United Nations is just a platform for exchanges among countries around the world.  In fact, there is no role function of global governance.  At present, the resolutions passed by the United Nations General Assembly do not have appropriate legal constraints on various political entities in the world and are not effective.

 Today, the rise of "world integration, administrative thought, global democracy, constitutionalism, and republican cosmopolitanism" is to promote humanity across the globe. Under the limited resources of the earth, everyone is on an equal footing, with mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual love, mutual trust, fairness, justice, and dignity.  The minority submits to the majority and uses democratic concentration to jointly formulate a common law of "coexistence and common prosperity" to form the greatest and highest level of consensus and innovation of the greatest ideological plan of the "human learning organization".

 Today, 245 political entities in the world must be urged, and a rapid awakening must be carried out to "step out of the era of traditional national-nationalism and create the only global human coexistence and co-prosperity" with "the world integrates administrative thinking, global democracy, constitutional government, and cosmopolitanism."  "World Integration Administration World Government System".

 This case allows global human reality to lock in the current status of various political entities and administrative regions in the world, abandon all kinds of inter-ethnic disturbances and historical hatred, and jointly establish a reasonable world government system that integrates administrative thinking. It is the only common humanity to resolve the survival crisis on the earth.  select.

 The most intelligent human elite in the world, the creator of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein demonstrated the necessity of a reasonable "world government" of mankind with "unified field theory".

 The universe can be described by "unified field theory".  In the future human society, there will be a "unified constitution" to manage.

 How to prevent the earth from entering an irreversible vicious circle? Only humans on the earth can have effective global governance policies.

 The only way is to transform the United Nations into a "world integrated administrative world government" system that includes 245 political entities worldwide as one of the administrative regions of this system.

 The pandemic of the "new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic" in the world today seems to have been proven to be blamed for the lack of an effective "global epidemic prevention policy."

 Today's global political leaders should actively transform the United Nations organization into a reasonable "world integrated administrative world government" system as soon as possible, so that global humanity can indeed have effective global governance policies.

 Moreover, it is necessary to work tirelessly and effectively to implement effective global governance policies within a limited period of 10 years before the goal of the October 2018 UN IPCC Special Report "0.5 Degrees Celsius" is achieved.

 Emphasize that the atmospheric temperature should be controlled above 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is the level before the Industrial Revolution, instead of 2 degrees Celsius.

 Otherwise, in 2030, the earth’s climate change will run out of control and fall into an irreversible catastrophe.

 To achieve the above-mentioned general goal, it is necessary for global human beings to jointly establish a reasonable "world government system" and make effective global governance policies.  This is the only path humans on earth should take.

 3. In the future, the only concrete and feasible strategy for global human response

 In this case, the authorities of global political entities are called upon to gather urgently to conspire to abolish the "United Nations structure" and jointly create the "Global Political Entities Congress" of the Global Human Collective Leadership Administration Center, or the "Earth Uniform Development Management Committee", and the "Earth World Constitution"  To create "World Parliament" and "World Court" together.  Create a "world integrated administrative world government" system, work together to formulate, make decisions, and implement the most effective global governance policies, deal with natural disasters, human disasters, and other political crises that various political entities cannot handle on their own, and jointly build a community of human destiny,  Achieve the goal of human coexistence and common prosperity

 This case created the earth human “World Integration Administrative World Government” system, which was stipulated by the co-created “Earth World Constitution”.

 The "Earth World Constitution" in this case confirmed the development of the "world integrated administrative world government system" of global political entities in the form of laws, and stipulated the fundamental system and fundamental tasks of the "world integrated administrative world government" system of global political entities.  It is the fundamental law of the "world integrated administrative government" system of global political entities.  It has the highest legal effect of humankind in the world.

 Today’s human beings will use the first and second green revolution models to carry out the chance of a safer and more stable life for people around the world without food shortage.

 So, what is the only great solution that can make the world’s food more sustainable, safer and more stable?

 That is, we must adopt Genesis's social science operation mode to create a sustainable and sufficient supply of human food chains on the earth, and make life safer and more stable.

 Although the power of applied technology can solve a part of poverty eradication or other conditions that make human life safer and more stable.

 However, according to the current situation of the global environment, climate and environmental changes, to solve the global food crisis or the survival crisis of other factors, I am afraid that it is necessary to start from the perspective of social science and the transformation model of human organizational behavior science.  Room for improvement.

 This model of social science and scientific transformation of human organizational behavior is the only feasible solution to resolve the crisis of human survival on the earth.

 As long as we inspire the leadership authorities and think tank teams of 245 political entities around the world, start the "Uniform Earth Movement" to make the "real world peace" great plan of "unity of the earth", and take action, the humanity of the earth can move towards sustainable peace,  Coexistence and co-prosperity of "real world peace" development.

 "Global Integrated Administrative Thoughts" Smart Earth Global governance political and administrative information system is the "World Integrated Administrative Thoughts" intelligent earth management centered on the continuous innovation of the global computer Internet, global Internet of Things, and cloud technologies.  Through the integration of virtual and real, data analysis of the earth’s environmental resources, the earth’s individual, team, and regional image integration analysis, it determines the most efficient and fastest response. The global human survival crisis is prevented from "global governance" political treatment.  The "standard operating procedures" model completely changes the traditional nationalist political thinking in order to respond to the rapidly changing human living environment of the earth.

 The leaders of contemporary nationalism must begin to upgrade and transform into "world-integrated administrative thoughts", combined with the leaders of 244 political entities around the world to become the collective leaders of "smart global political governance" of the smart earth, leading "world-integrated administrative thoughts"  The smart "world government system" administrative team formulates a complete "smart earth management plan" to construct the most effective smart global governance policies.

 This is the most appropriate and best choice for humanity in the world.

 4. Expected benefits of the model

 This creative case is based on the advantages of the political characteristics of the Chinese and Western countries, and is created according to the current situation of the sinister global environment.  It has fully effective global governance and global crisis management capabilities:

 Based on the principle of earth resource balance, formulate correct and intelligent global governance policies to make the use of global resources more sustainable and lift the global environmental crisis.

 Make the global economic and social development strategy forward-looking, and various smart global governance policies are highly stable and continuous.  Being able to concentrate all resources, strengths and wisdom of the world and implement the most effective intelligent global governance; make the global correct economic and social development policies sustainable and implement, which is conducive to maintaining long-term stable and sustainable development of the global society and economy.

 V. Conclusion

 This creation, a global political entity, implements the "local autonomy" of various regions of the global political entity in accordance with the intelligent "global governance policies" implemented by the intelligent "world integrated administrative world government" system, to resolve all the vicious risks of humanity on the planet,  Step into global coexistence and common development.

 This case is based on the scientific creation model of intelligent social behavior, creating the effects of various effective intelligent global governance policies for human beings on the earth. It has a unique scale and huge global application potential.

 This is the greatest solution with the world’s greatest potential for accelerating the expansion of the only chance to resolve the more severe survival crisis of the planet.

 In this case, based on the collective wisdom of human elites, precise logical reasoning and verification, we will determine the single most effective measure to promote various global governance policies, with a world-wide scale and greatest influence.

 This will be the only human food chain system that can bring together global elite humans and resources, and fundamentally change the planet. It will transform the sustainable human food chain system of the planet or other defenses that resolve the natural disasters of the earth, and solve the crisis of human survival on the earth.  The idea of ​​the only intelligent innovative and feasible solution that makes humanity safer, stable, the greatest, and has the most global potential.  It will make the greatest contribution to the sustainable peace, coexistence and common prosperity of human beings on the earth.


 ~Ying- Chieh Huang ~

Monday, January 6, 2025

 Lilliana Christiansen




Exclamación a Dios.


La Bendición del Santo Padre Francisco hacia nosotros sea recibida como mucho amor porque  Dios  revelo  a este mundo la proclamación del nacimiento de Jesus con 

la estrella de Belen  que guío a los Santos Eruditos Reyes del Oriente hacia ese pequeño pesebre dónde estaba la Gloria del Señor El Salvador .

Trayendo Oro ,Incienso y Mirra.

"Que domine el amor  hasta los confines de la tierra "

El Rey Herodes pregunto a los sacerdotes  por la profecía cuando apareció en el firmamento una  luz   enorme era  la estrella  de 

Belén la tierra de Juda .

Al entrar emocionados los Reyes vieron a María y José  junto al Niño ,le entregaron los regalos abriendo sus cofres

Sus corazónes postrados en adoración ,allí estaban en la tierra levantando sus cabezas a un niño humilde para entender la grandeza que hay en un Rey Salvador que vino a servirnos ,la pequeñez envuelto en pañales en una cuna de paja .

Ofrescamos los dones que tenemos porque nos falta más oración inclinamos nuestras rodillas y pidamos la luz que  El nos de su  Gracia .

Los Reyes Magos también 

nos dan esperanzas de  buscar la Paz .

 Luego ellos   se dirigieron por otro camino hacia su país .

El Salvador  venció a la muerte .



Aleluya .

Lilliana Christiansen

      Agustina Acuña


Cartita o simple nota, queriendo que uno de los Reyes que llegara a mi aposento siquiera lo leyera...

Dime Rey Mago 

¿Por qué hay tanto olvidado en el mundo?

Hay niños huérfanos de todo, de padres, de cariño. Ellos no tuvieron regalo. ¡Tan sólo en sueños acariciaron su anhelado deseo!

Miles de ancianos esperaron 

un pedazo de panteón con un poquito de chocolate, pero ni éso ni un abrazo de nadie. ¡Perdieron ya, toda esperanza! 

Cuántos lloraron su agonía, pues se despedían del mundo sin una caricia de sus seres queridos. 

¡Y qué no hubiesen dado por una última mirada!

Cuánta indiferencia para quienes sufren la desgracia de vivir en una guerra. En medio de escombros pidieron ¡Alto y fin a las masacres!

Cuántos esperaron y esperaron el regreso del ser amado, o tan sólo un pequeño mensaje. ¡Se cansaron de esperar y jamás hubo ni una letra!

Yo pido Rey Mago si pudieras llevar mis abrazos, mis besos 

y mi inmenso afecto a mis viejitos lindos y a mis varios hermanitos que  moran, con Dios en las alturas.

Ellos deben estar también recordándome, queriéndo darse un saltito para arroparme con su abrigo, regalarme su cariño 

y devolverme la alegría y la esperanza de nuevos días 

del color de la felicidad. 

¡Cómo te lo agradecería Rey Mago!

A los otros Reyes Magos les pido lleven salud, paz, amor y prosperidad a todo el mundo. 

Sí paz, alegría, amor, sanación solidaridad y trabajo para mis hermanos "Los olvidados"

      Agustina Acuña 

      Perú, 6 Enero 2024.

Maria Fajardo Cajamarca 

 "Brazos ¡Abiertos para abrazar!

© 2024 Copyright Ⓡ

ೃ⁀➷  Mi alma 

Brillando como diamante

en mi cielo de sueños mi alma te abraza

pues cada día tu amor me enlaza.

El amor es la fuerza que nos hace felices,

el amor es la fuerza que nos hace sufrir

el destino lo es todo, mis brazos … ¡Abiertos para abrazarte!

Alma, vida y corazón

abrázame siempre con pasión

no deseo una nueva decepción

a tí aferro mi corazón.

Te abraza mi vida, te abraza mi alma

abrazo mi almohada en la que estuviste acostada

llegaste a mi vida en forma inesperada

ahora en mi corazón como joya preciada.


Ana María Mendiola Cano 

Llegaste a mi vida, 

tan chiquita, llenaste el vacío,

de mi entristecido corazón.

Te eduqué a mi manera,

con cariño te hice obediente,

Jugaste tus tiempos,

con macuco y Susy,

Subiendo y bajando escaleras, 

cansancio no existía en tu cuerpo juvenil.

Pastora de polluelos,

los cuidabas de los terribles gatos.

Bailamos una salsa que tanto te gustaba,

Cuidabas de los chicos,

me cuidabas de los extraños.

Mirabas al infinito como si alguien te llamara,

jugabas con abejas ladrando,

las alejabas.

Te dormías en mi regaso,

cada tarde de descanso.

Me pedías tus galletas,

señalando con una pata.

Lamias mi rostro, 

cuándo me veías llegar,

saltando de alegría.

Hoy, lloro tu partida, 

dejando un vacío con tu ausencia.

Te extraño Perlita, querida amiga

compañera mía.

 Mária Gál galma




Az én életemben már nincsenek tavaszok,

de van ősz és tél, mely lágyan simogat,

nyílik még virág magas hegyek ormán,

bólogat felém a havasi gyopár.


Emlékek, álmok életre kelnek,

gyönyörködve, csendben, múltba repítenek,

szép volt az élet, leírtam százszor,

ha sötét arcát mutatta, már azt sem bánom.


Hiszem, sorsom, mit eddig megéltem,

formált emberré, kísérte léptem,

nem nézem idő múlását, hisz az végtelen,

nem vesz el semmit, láttatja tükrömet.


De lelkem kutatja az újat, a szépet, mert élni akar,

szárnyait széttárva repül a magasba, 

hol,  lágy felhők szállnak, hirdetve világnak,

élni jó akkor is, ha csodák már nem várnak.

 Author: Iudita Mirea 

Title: Wonderful craziness 

Some creatures whidouth  hearts,

are thinking that they are mortal spiders,

but maybe they are just inofensive butterflies.

So doesn't matter how much they try,

one day the circle of life will make them pay,

because life is made for everyone in the planet.

Flowers, just like the green clouds,

can see the sky and on the earth a sit find,

looking forward to the light of the same stars.

Just spiking with the endless time,

bubbles of leafs and trees becomes briliant,

nether me, nor you, will have eternal lucky free.

Date: 06/01/2025

Country: Romania 

Pseudonim: Paseando entre colores 

( A.R.R.A.)

Picture by Staci Modisette 🪷 🕊️


DATA: 04/ 01




Em cada momento somente te amo. 

E em cada olhar ao horizonte quero te encontrar. 

Com  o anoitecer olho para o céu procuro-te .

Em cada estrela vejo teu sorriso. 

Espero um  sinal,talvez ele apareça. 

Amo -te ! Sei que em algum lugar você está. 

No anoitecer  ,vejo te como uma brisa leve...

Assim sei que é verdadeiro, você existe. 

A sua presença é real, 

A distância dói 

Porém ainda espero-te

E meu coração não sofre ,porém tenho certeza. 

Perdão amo sem palavras...

Não sei onde escontra-lo 

Somente quero sentir teu calor. 

Em teus braços saciar meus desejos. 

Sei que vou encontrar em um lugar mágico. 

Ali saciarei meu amor contigo  

Amor que não morrerá...Será sempre meu amor perfeito. 

Glória Pereira. 

Direitos autorais reservados Autora/Escritora.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 /Jasmina Ćirković НА КРАЈУ ЧОВЕК   Купујеш време, заостало у трену обрисаних сећања, отвореног надања, зглобних уздања,  перјаница здвајања...