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Saturday, January 25, 2025

 Poetisa de Plata de Taxco

No desistas...

Cuando menos lo esperamos

se presenta adversidad 

no lo que planeamos

sucedió sin nuestra voluntad.

Preparados contra todo 

lo que obstruya nuestro andar

encontrando el modo

de no dejar de avanzar.

Y con gratitud latente

sin dejar de sonreír

otra senda reaparece

la correcta tan latente

nuestra fé más crece.

No desistir es tarea

desde cada amanecer

aunque suba la marea

no dejar de trascender.

Amén 🙏 

Poetisa de Plata de Taxco 

Alicia de la Paz Ortiz Cuevas

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Clarena Martínez Turizo.

País : Colombia


La tarde está encantada

tiembla de felicidad.

porque halle en tu vida 

muchas bondad.

El encanto de tu sonrisa

me ha hecho soñar con esos 

labios fantásticos 

me haces suspirar.

Amo cada uno de tus gestos

tu manera de andar, 

tu dulzura me atrapa me 

hace vibrar.

Más allá de tu mirada amo 

tu sensibilidad, 

el dulce olor de tu piel,

tu manera de amar.

Invades mis sentidos,

eres  mi hermoso  torbellino

de tulipán, fragante en 

cada paso mi amado galán.

Autora: Clarena Martínez Turizo.

País : Colombia


Derechos reservados

Magangue Bolívar 12-01-2025 Hr 6:40 Pm

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Saints of the Gutter by Arbind Choudhary


The Saints of  the  Gutter


The starter is born in the gutter

Who gets mind out of the gutter

For the saint of the gutter

Amidst many a mind in the gutter?


The Ritter is as smooth as butter

Who glitters like butter

For the bread and butter

Amidst many a hair in the butter?


The reverter is the caterer of the laughter

Who bursts into laughter

For the peal of laughter

Amidst many a slaughter?


How can one flatter this courter

Amidst many a hurter?




ARBIND KUMAR CHOUDHARY who has got not only two of his poetry collections-Majuli: The Vatican City of Assam and Mother India  included for syllabus of B.A English Honours and M.A  in English at Sibsagar University, Assam, India but also honored with the crown of the Universal Ambassador of Peace from Poetry and The Phrasal King in Indian English Poetry by Geneva  based president Gabrielle Simond of duo organizations –Universal Ambassador Peace Circle and Universal Peace Embassy and Indian creative milieu. The  research synopsis on The Aspects of Love and Relationship in the selected Works of A.K.

Choudhary has been approved in The Pacific University of Rajasthan. As a prominent poet Dr. Choudhary has been reviewed and interviewed in a number of Indian English daily newspapers such as The Daily Guardian, The Hans India, The Hitavada, The Heaven Mail, The Precious Kashmir and many others excluding various magazines in America, Romania, Albania, Bangladesh and Malta.

Presently Dr.Choudhary has been heading the Deptt of English at Rangachahi College, Majuli, Assam, India.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dr. Ashok Kumar

"A World United in Art"

Across the globe, a canvas wide,
A tapestry of voices, side by side.
Poets, artists, visionaries true,
United in their passion, to create anew.

From distant lands, a chorus strong,
Echoes of imagination, all day long.
The doctor of art, a healer of souls,
Bringing solace, comfort, making hearts whole.

With brushes, words, and melodies so fine,
They paint a world of beauty, a world divine.
Their art a reflection, of humanity's plight,
A beacon of hope, in the dark of night.

Through their creations, they speak to our hearts,
A language universal, that never departs.
A symphony of love, that resonates so deep,
A celebration of life, in all its forms, we keep.

So let us cherish, these artists of old,
Their contributions to humanity, forever to be told.
For in their art, we find, a piece of ourselves,
A reflection of our hopes, our dreams, our wealth.

And to our dear doctor, @Epitacio Tongohan, we say,
Your art, a gift to humanity, in every way.
May your brushstrokes, your words, your melodies so bright,
Continue to inspire, and bring joy to our sight.


Dr. Ashok Kumar
Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India
January 21, 2025






















































































































































































Fei Yifei [China]

Fei Yifei [China]

Ms Gargi Saha 

1) Healing 

I keep drifting 

From one planet to another 

I am invisible 

I move up, down, left, right 

Beyond the horizon 

Uncared, unnoticed 

Dancing through the wings of time 

I am speechless 

But I bring healing to the scars, wounds, malaises 

Everything becomes peaceful 

A blanket of serenity is spread everywhere 

And is submerged in a pool of boundless solitude 

Maladies transform to health, healing, happiness 

A new, promising tomorrow 

With new joys, avenues to explore 

Time heals the sorrows of mankind 

Let time take its turn judiciously. 

Ms Gargi Saha  (C)


 AUTOR: Aziz Mountassir 

               From Marrocos 


Traduzido por


Você é o vento 

Você é o vento que sopra meu caminho,

Um sussurro suave que meus sentidos abraçam.

A cada passo, no labirinto do destino,

Sinto minha respiração, um sonho que permanece.

A medida que o sol acorda a aurora outra vez,

Sua presença ilumina minha alma. 

Na dança do orvalho madrugador,

Encontrei em meus braços tudo de mim.

Você é o sussurro de um fluxo pacífico,

Levando você através do pôr do sol.

No eco das suas palavras, é tranquilo,

Você descobre um universo com o qual desejo sonhar.

Seus olhos, duas estrelas no céu noturno,

Brilhando com a luz das infinitas constelações.

No reflexo deles, dúvidas adeus,

E você encontro paz da sua mente.

Como o vento acaricia o vasto campo,

Seu amor envolve suavemente a minha pele. 

No teu riso, na tua voz, eu confio,

No meu coração, a tua verdadeira casa dentro.

Você é a melodia que agita minha alma

Uma canção eterna, gentil e inteira.

No ritmo do seu amor eu encontro  controle,

E nos teus braços, o fim de toda partilha.

Oh, o vento dança no caminho da minha vida,

Nunca pare de soprar pelo seu dia.

Porque na minha respiração, a esperança ainda vai existir.

E no seu amor a razão de você ficar.

Aziz Mountassir 




Traduzido por


Autor: Dioni Domínguez

 Poema en arte menor

Octosílabo Oxítono paroxítono

Rima consonante AD-BC.

Título: Orgasmos de sensaciones.

Escribiré tu canción

con versos de mi poema

con la rima más suprema

directa al corazón.

Orgasmos de sensaciones

en mis letras van impresos

con abrazos y con besos

deseos y emociones.

En tu cuerpo y mi mente

hay un baile sin espacio

en el te amo despacio

en el bebo de tu fuente.

Con alma y corazón

de tu boca el aliento

de tus besos el sustento

con fuego de mi pasión.

Tus labios mis pensamientos

hechizan hasta mi alma

me hacen perder la calma

y de ti, están sedientos.

Hasta llegada la noche

el día mi desespero

para darte mi te quiero

con amor y con derroche.

La noche podrá volverte

el sol, de día nublarse

mi fuego sin enfriarse

en mis brazos quiero verte.

Beberé de tu veneno

de tu pecho bien amado

amarte enamorado

y sentirme de ti lleno.

Serán noches de amores

con besos al corazón

que el alma y pasión

sean un lecho de flores.

Hasta que nazcan las rosas

del jardín de mis amores

planto semillas y flores

en la mujer más hermosa.

Orgasmos de sensaciones

del sueño de los amores

donde amar sin pudores

inciten a las pasiones.

Amarte es mi castigo

si no estás a mi lado

serás mi sueño adorado

si no te tengo conmigo.

Autor: Dioni Domínguez

Pobla de Vallbona 

Valencia España.

Derechos reservados.

Fecha: 08/09/2015.

Monday, January 20, 2025

 Name: Dr.Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye 

Country: Nigeria 

Theme: On my way

Title:  See you,Soonest

Date: 19 01 2025

It was a smooth movement, 

Everything seems smooth.

Journeying from the north,

To the West,was fantastic.

I enjoyed every bit of it.

The driver displayed expertory, 

He is skilled,

A licensed driver,

With many years of experience.

His type is meticulous,cautious and conscious.

When you have such person on your steering,

You are definitely at rest.

Iam highly happy to arrive safe,and unite with my household.

Nothing makes one happier like,coming home to meet the household,in good health.

Few hours ago,

I was on my way,

It was a dream come true,

As I embrace my beautiful family. 

Iam pleased.

All Rights Reserved

Brief Bio.

Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye  is a Nigerian International Multi Awarded Writer.

He has to his credit 12 Honorary Doctorates and more than 200 awards.He has to his credit,MSC Public Health,MA,Theology,. He was a former lecturer with College of Health,as well Head of Department Medical Laboratory Technology. He is a Doctoral Fellow Chattered Institute of Human Resource Management 

He is an educationist.He has Authored Many Books,including Anthologies,with Notable International writers. 

He is a Literary and Peace Ambassador to Hungary,Nigeria,Philippines, Bethlehem, and United States.

 Name: Dr.Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye 

Country: Nigeria 

Theme: The Desert

Title: Beauty to Behold

Date: 19 01 2025

Coming into the desert,

It was beauty in motion,

I couldn't imagine myself,

In this natural serene.

The beauty is unmatchable, 

It is unequalled. 

Iam tempted to sieze the space for my use.

Everything incredible is here,

It is worth trading with.

The Desert is not deserted,

Resources are here,

Value is here,

Iam thrilled.

On a serious note,

Iam preparing for the next excursion, 

I want to  have every bit of the sweetness.

Desert,don't go below standard,

Your beauty is center of attraction, 

Remain the desert that everyone runs to.

All Rights Reserved.

Brief Bio.

Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye  is a Nigerian International Multi Awarded Writer.

He has to his credit 12 Honorary Doctorates and more than 200 awards.He has to his credit,MSC Public Health,MA,Theology,. He was a former lecturer with College of Health,as well Head of Department Medical Laboratory Technology. He is a Doctoral Fellow Chattered Institute of Human Resource Management 

He is an educationist.He has Authored Many Books,including Anthologies,with Notable International writers. 

He is a Literary and Peace Ambassador to Hungary,Nigeria,Philippines, Bethlehem, and United States.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

 Munira Sultan


Munira Sultan (Eshonkulova Munira Rasulovna). 

Munira Sultan was born on October 7, 1981, in Bekobod city, Tashkent region. In 1998, she graduated with honors from School No. 11 in Bekobod. From 1999 to 2001, she studied at the Bekobod Pedagogical College. For 23 years, she has been teaching the younger generation at School No. 45 in the Bekobod district. She is currently a 4th-year student at Gulistan State University. Munira is married and the mother of three children.

In October 2021, her first poetry collection, titled "You Are in My Heart", was published.

Her poems have been featured in various poetry collections, such as "Turon Taronalari", "Do‘rmon Durdonalari", "Nazm Ifori", "Barhayot Sohibqiron", and "Ganjiravon Yo‘llarida". They have also been published in magazines like "Saboq", "Targ‘ibotchi", "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim", "Guliston", and "Gulxan". Her works have gained international recognition and have been printed in the UK ("The Works of Talented Uzbek Creators"), Germany ("Raven Cage"), the USA ("International Literature Language and Online Journal", "Women's Literature Magazine", "Friendship of People"), and India ("The Raft of Dreams"). Her poetry has appeared in Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and English in various prestigious newspapers and journals both in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Munira Sultan is the winner of several international online poetry competitions and a laureate of the republican creative youth contest dedicated to "Barhayot Sohibqiron". For her active participation in the international online competition organized under the slogan "Two Brothers—Soul Relatives" by the Kazakhstani organization "Qos Qanat Jas Daryndyqlardy Qoldaw Jäne Damu Qory", she was awarded the "For International Services" badge of honor. Additionally, she received the "ISTE'DOD" badge of honor as per the decision of the editorial board of "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim".

Munira Sultan is a member of the "Do‘rmon Club" established under the Do‘rmon Creative House, a member of Kazakhstan's "Qos Qanat" organization, and a member of Italy’s "World Poets’ Solidarity" organization.



Thousands of years later, everyone is still awake.

The wonderful soil where my navel blood was spilled,

"Sweet suffering" why is the coin trembling?

I miss you, Motherland!

Homeland, I miss you even far away,

I can't describe it, I write poetry,

Hearing your words, I will water my country,

My mother is hot from you, Mother is the place!

When I first step on your threshold,

My father was always like a mountain.

He prayed and observed every day, every moment,

My father wants to come from you, Father is the place!

Memories come alive in me again,

When I first opened my eyes,

Silence would be the governor in my world,

I want you in my blanket, Motherland!

Eucalyptus in the tracks of my cradle,

If my mother repeats her sweet prayers,

If the past season of my childhood returns again,

My baby is sick of you, Motherland!

I felt your music, Fatherland!!!

Munira Sultan



Who am I?

Shall I tell you who I am?

I feel burning inside as if 

hiding Alexander's secret*,

Days pass making my mind hurry;

 Who I am, who I really am,

I am a well, suffering. 

I am silent in the eyes of the righteous, 

Awaiting the light with patience.

My desire is complete, my dream is complete, 

Intention is impartial, imagination is an ocean. 

Every night spent in prayer, 

I will meet the morning. 

I forgot all of my sadness 

If they remember, so will I all the time. 

This painful pen of mine, 

I will take care even if the tip breaks. 

*— A well with reeds that is said to have Alexander's horn. 

 Munira Sultan 



My thoughts were taken away by these "pains", 

I am alone with them, I have no confidence. 

The wards in the heart raised up a riot, 

No comfort, not even fake joy. 

A painful sigh lingers in my throat,

I can't even cry, not even tears.

Sorrows throw their stones at me,

Will it survive, a little heart?

Where are my feelings leaving me alone?

There was no encouragement, I was left alone.

My thoughts are hard, my heart has pain,

Flying to the skies, heartless.

I speak only with my secrets,

I planted a dream flower on the grave of my heart.

With my weak words in my heart, 

I look up at the sky awaiting the light.

I didn't see the "light", it's all in the lost,                    

I couldn't calm down, even my patience

The heart says: "At least laugh in fake."

Even my value sheds tears for me.

 Munira Sultan



Translated by  Mamanov Ozodjon

A second-year master's student at Westminster University in Uzbekistan.

Tales of the Sand by Hassane Yarti


Tales of the Sand


When night descends, I mold my shadow at will,

To capture a spark from the sky, a scent to distill,

Perfume from blooms on my balcony’s sill,

A handful of moonlight, a moment to still,


From night’s ink I carve letters on stone,

Crafting a hut of patience, all my own,

Waves of calm, storm’s tone,

A beauty called hope, brightly shone.


An unsheathed sword, sharp and keen,

Cuts through sad steps, slays wishes unseen,

A star that stains the night serene,

A dawn sun to brighten the scene,


I release water to chase thirsty dreams,

A phantom of clouds, inked in moonbeams,

My dark sky’s buttons shattered, it seems,

Concealing whispers, scattering yearning’s streams,


In the sunset of passion, no waiting found,

Silence caresses madness, unbound,

A lark pecks crystal corners, profound,

Opens icy windows, scattering them around,


Between heart and time, patience sails high,

To meet myself where purple streaks cry,

From rituals of absence, a sorrowful sigh,

My spirit spreads as a pearl, aiming for the sky.


Yearning for the sea, for reunion’s embrace,

On abandonment’s shore, visions lose their grace,

Waves settle, love’s tales interlace,

Perhaps the connection will come like an infant's the lashes,


Like sleep softly trailing,

On the shore where dreams are sailing.


          Is a Moroccan writer, poet, translator, Honorary Consultant of the Association: Women's Chair with the patronage the UN, Ambassador of International Federation of Arts and Literature in the World under the United Nations (UN-IFAL)based in Barcelona, Spain, renowned for his significant contributions to literature and culture. He holds memberships in esteemed organizations such as the Union of Arab Writers and Arab Elite Union for Poetry and Literature, reflecting his influential presence in the literary community.

As the president of the Al-Nibras Association for Culture and Arts, Yarti has been at the forefront of promoting cultural initiatives and artistic expression. His dedication to literature led him to found the Barcelona Literary Magazine, a publication that has gained international recognition.

Hassane Yarti's work has been widely published across various esteemed magazines and newspapers globally.

Yarti has authored numerous books across different genres, showcasing his versatility and depth as a writer.

Short Stories:

"Vicious Circles" (2024), "Venus / Romulus and Remus" (2024) "Shunning & Separation" (2024), "Spectres of the Passing" (2024), "Creative Short Stories" (2013),"Creative Youth" (2012).



"Poems Against Ugliness"in Arabic (2024),

"ANTOLOGJI POETIKE -I" in Albanian(2024),

"Poems Against Ugliness - II" in Arabic (2024),

"Let The Rose Bloom" in Arabic(2024),

"TürkçeDünyaşiirAntolojisi" in Turkish (2024),

"Poems Against Atrocity" in English(2024),



"THE FRAGRANCE OF YOUR LOVE- NOVEL " by SoumiaQarfadi(2025) Into English

"ON THE PALM OF YOUR SOUL - POETRY COLLECTION " by Angela Kosta (2024) Into Arabic

"SHUNNING & SEPARATION - COLLECTIVE BOOK" by NiamatElhamri (2024) Into English

"CHRYSALISES - POETRY COLLECTION " by Giuliana Donzello(2024) Into Arabic

"A TOUCH OF THE SKY- POETRY COLLECTION " by Gabriella Piccerno(2024) Into Arabic

"HE IS ALIVE - PREKAZ A LEGACY OF THE BRAVE"by DibranFylli (2024) Into Arabic and more than 300 Poems and biographies into English and Arabic

Hassane Yarti continues to contribute to the literary world with several forthcoming works:

Novel: "On the Griffen's Back", Short Stories:"There Is No Place Left", Poetry: "Yarties", Play: "The Madness of Sanity"


Legacy Crown – Asia’s Top 20 International Journalist (Philippines) 2024

Legends Times Africa Medal of African Peace Ambassador (Kenya) 2024

Honor & Excellence Award in Literature (India) 2024

Honorius Causa in Defense of Peace (Brazil) 2024

Global Peace Award (India) 2024

Premio Internacional Dr.Fco Xavier Ramírez Sánchez (Mexico) 2024

Al-Jiyad Forum for Culture and Development Short Story Competition Winner (Jordan) 2024

First Place in "City of Dreams" competition by Eternal stars (Syria) 2023

Second Place in Live Impromptu Creative Competition (Algeria) 2023

Recognition in National short story writing competition (Morocco) 2012


The impact of Yarti's writing extends globally, with his works translated into multiple languages, including English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Korean, Chinese, Albanian, Hindi, Bengali, Hebrew, Greek, Uzbek and Turkish.


Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

  Ann-Marie Hansraj

The Heart That Sees Good

When you love someone, deeply and true,

Wholeheartedly, as pure hearts do,

Hate finds no home, no place to dwell,

For love's embrace casts its spell.

You search for the light, the spark divine,

In every flaw, a silver line.

No fault too sharp, no wound too deep,

For love awakens what others might sleep.

You seek the good, the soul's bright hue,

Through every shadow, you still pursue,

Not the tarnish, nor the scars,

But the glow of their hidden stars.

For love's great power, sincere and kind,

Transforms the heart, the soul, the mind,

And in its grace, you'll always find,

A love eternal, by joy defined.

Omatee Ann-Marie Hansraj 

# 0018 Copyright 2025

 "The Need for Counselling in Kota, Rajasthan: A Beacon of Hope to Prevent Suicides"

By Dr. Ashok Kumar, International Peace Activist

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India 🇮🇳

January 19, 2025

Kota, Rajasthan, a city known for its academic excellence, has unfortunately become synonymous with student suicides. The pressure to excel, the fear of failure, and the weight of expectations from family and society have taken a devastating toll on young minds. As an international peace activist, I strongly believe that counselling is the need of the hour to prevent these tragic cases of suicide.

The statistics are alarming. According to reports, Kota has witnessed over 100 student suicides in the past five years alone. The city's coaching centers, which attract thousands of students from across the country, have become a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and depression. The constant pressure to perform, the lack of emotional support, and the absence of a safety net have created a toxic environment that is taking a heavy toll on young lives.

Counselling is not a luxury, but a necessity in today's fast-paced and competitive world. It provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to express their emotions, share their concerns, and work through their challenges. Trained counsellors can help students develop coping mechanisms, build resilience, and foster a positive mindset.

In Kota, counselling services can be integrated into the coaching centers, schools, and colleges to provide easy access to students. Trained counsellors can work closely with teachers, parents, and students to identify early warning signs of distress and provide timely interventions.

Moreover, counselling can help students develop essential life skills, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and communication. It can also foster a sense of community and belonging, which is critical for emotional well-being.

The need for counselling in Kota, Rajasthan, is not just a moral imperative, but a social and economic necessity. The loss of young lives is not only a tragedy for families, but also a loss of talent, potential, and contribution to society.

As a society, we must come together to support our young people. We must recognize that mental health is just as important as physical health and provide access to counselling services that can help students navigate the challenges of academic pressure, social expectations, and personal relationships.

Let us join hands to create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment that fosters the emotional well-being of our young people. Let us recognize the need for counselling in Kota, Rajasthan, and work together to provide access to these critical services.

Together, we can create a brighter future for our young people, a future that is filled with hope, promise, and possibility.

Copyright 2025 Dr. Ashok Kumar

The unwanted Child by Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye


Name: Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye 

Country: Nigeria 

Theme: The unwanted Child

Title: The Dream Child

Date: 19 01 2025


He came out unwanted, 

Due to the circumstances, 

Behind his Birth,

The Mother gave birth to him,

Out of wedlock.

An act that is regarded,

As immoral disposition in their tribe.


The rejected Child went through Pains,

Sorrow, frustration and discrimination.

The mother was isolated and despised.


Divine came through for them.


The rejected Child,

Grew to become a celebration.

At the age of 25,

He was elected as a Councillor of his ward.

He delivered exceptionally, and was elected as the chairman of his LGA.


From being an LGA Chairman, he was elected to represent his constituency,

In the Federal House of Representative.

Fate smiling on him,

He was elected a Senator,

Representing his Senatorial Zone, and later became the President of the Senate.


Life is a teacher,

And no one can be written off,

Once there is breath.




Dr. Ogomegbunam Success Nwoye is a Nigerian International Multi Awarded Writer.

He has to his credit 12 Honorary Doctorates and more than 200 awards. He has to his credit, MSC Public Health, MA, Theology.  He was a former lecturer with College of Health, as well Head of Department Medical Laboratory Technology. He is a Doctoral Fellow Chattered Institute of Human Resource Management 

He is an educationist. He has Authored Many Books, including Anthologies, with Notable International writers. 

He is a Literary and Peace Ambassador to Hungary, Nigeria, Philippines, Bethlehem, and United States.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

Motherland by Munira Sultan




Thousands of years later, everyone is still awake.

The wonderful soil where my navel blood was spilled,

"Sweet suffering" why is the coin trembling?

I miss you, Motherland!


Homeland, I miss you even far away,

I can't describe it, I write poetry,

Hearing your words, I will water my country,

My mother is hot from you, Mother is the place!


When I first step on your threshold,

My father was always like a mountain.

He prayed and observed every day, every moment,

My father wants to come from you, Father is the place!


Memories come alive in me again,

When I first opened my eyes,

Silence would be the governor in my world,

I want you in my blanket, Motherland!


Eucalyptus in the tracks of my cradle,

If my mother repeats her sweet prayers,

If the past season of my childhood returns again,

My baby is sick of you, Motherland!

I felt your music, Fatherland!!!




Munira Sultan (Eshonkulova Munira Rasulovna). 

Munira Sultan was born on October 7, 1981, in Bekobod city, Tashkent region. In 1998, she graduated with honors from School No. 11 in Bekobod. From 1999 to 2001, she studied at the Bekobod Pedagogical College. For 24 years, she has been teaching the younger generation at School № 45 in the Bekobod district. She is currently a 4th-year student at Gulistan State University. Munira is married and the mother of three children.

In October 2021, her first poetry collection, titled "You Are in My Heart", was published.

Her poems have been featured in various poetry collections, such as "Turon Taronalari", "Do‘rmon Durdonalari", "Nazm Ifori", "Barhayot Sohibqiron", and "Ganjiravon Yo‘llarida". They have also been published in magazines like "Saboq", "Targ‘ibotchi", "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim", "Guliston", and "Gulxan". Her works have gained international recognition and have been printed in the UK ("The Works of Talented Uzbek Creators"), Germany ("Raven Cage"), the USA ("International Literature Language and Online Journal", "Women's Literature Magazine", "Friendship of People"), and India ("The Raft of Dreams"). Her poetry has appeared in Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tadjik and English in various prestigious newspapers and journals both in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Munira Sultan is the winner of several international online poetry competitions and a laureate of the republican creative youth contest dedicated to "Barhayot Sohibqiron". For her active participation in the international online competition organized under the slogan "Two Brothers—Soul Relatives" by the Kazakhstani organization "Qos Qanat Jas Daryndyqlardy Qoldaw Jäne Damu Qory", she was awarded the "For International Services" badge of honor. Additionally, she received the "ISTE'DOD" badge of honor as per the decision of the editorial board of "O‘zbekistonda Ta’lim".

Munira Sultan is a member of the "Do‘rmon Club" established under the Do‘rmon Creative House, a member of Kazakhstan's "Qos Qanat" organization, and a member of Italy’s "World Poets’ Solidarity" organization.

Published by Tamikio L. Dooley

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...