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Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Tống Thu Ngâ

I return to the meadows

The flowers bloom white with compassion

I return to the meadows

Where are the migratory birds

The stormy season is over

I wear a virgin shirt

Hair smells of wild grass

Looking up at the morning sun

The meadows are my father's homeland

The golden rice is my mother's homeland

I am far from my childhood

Tears keep welling up

Coffee flowers bloom white

The whole field is fragrant

Birds chirp and pick rice

A vast area is bustling

I return to the meadows

The durian flowers are pure white

The durian tree has not yet bloomed

Cicadas sing

I return to the meadows

A flock of white butterflies floats

Wandering around the dreamy garden

Waiting for the durian fruit to weave silk

The vastness of the meadows

I love a piece of sky

Full of the color of the sunlight

Your shirt is drying in the yard...

Tống Thu Ngân@All Rights Reserved 

TTN 1134


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