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Saturday, March 2, 2024

B U S C A R    L A    H E B R A

Estoy ante el espejo: busco la hebra del alma, se esconde entre sangre, carne y fuego.

-pensamientos delirantes en las noches solitarias-

Busco y rebusco en los recuerdos de la niñez, aquellos días de arenas y solsticios que han seguido mi sombra.

La hebra bandera de la paz cuerpo de mujer en flor medio marchita.

Los tambores de la vida llaman, no hay tiempo para rendirse: amo para no perder los sentimientos profundos, antídoto de lo rapaz y profano.

La hebra me lleva al amor sin tiempo ni distancia.

Recapitulo mis caídas ante las cruces de hierro, los caminos son inhóspitos, espinas que atraviesan el pecho en refugio y sangra.

La hebra libra mil batallas entre el amor y el odio, tensas razones.

Sale en busca de lo divino.

Se cae una y otra vez, el alma no tiene tregua.

No puede rendirse a la nada, ama sin culpa ni dobleces como una sábana blanca.

La hebra baila al unísono de los sonidos.

La he encontrado.



盤古至今,人類族群軍閥國家主義勢力鬥爭武功條件,致使統治疆域分分合合,由小程度統一、中程度統一  ,邁入大一統的趨勢,逐漸定底,人類族群分分合合的政治鬥爭,統治鬥爭史,自然天成,最終,全世界整個天下 ,世界大同,凝聚人類族群文化的統一政治行政智慧思想,由小而大,由中而外,終至全球化統一,造就人類族群在地球上生活史觀的時光隧道趨勢,看在眼底。[微笑]     


























但當代對全球人類族群最有幫忙,最有意義,最有價值的政治思想,有最佳包容性的政治思想,是 由中國5,000年固有歷史文化的政治思想精髓,結合西方國家的民主憲政共和的自由體制優勢,所整合匯集創造而成,足以包容全球各不同意識形態政治實體的創新、無敵‘世界整合行政思想’、‘全球民主憲政共和世界主義’,以創作全球一統的‘地球和平統一管理委員會’,以它所擬定合理化‘世界憲法’,形成世界政府體系,依據世界憲法,執行全球共和、共治、共存、共榮、互利、共贏的創新全球政治制度。



Autores: Iriabel Lazo Alvarado, Costa Rica

 Carlos Alberto Huamán Arellano, Perú



Tus letras de fuego

ardieron en el aire,

titiritó la brisa, 

naufragaron las tormentas 

y el carbón brillo en espejos. 


Encendiste la llama con tu mirada,

Trepidaron el oxígeno, hidrógeno,

sorpresa total: ya no eras ilusión,

cayó por los suelos el castillo de cristal

y embraveció el disimulado animal.


Se disparataron las llamas 

gimió la medida del dulce de murmullos 

danzaron en tacones 

y los dedos agitando los trofeos

mientras el viento anclaba en las venas.


Se acendró el incendio de arterias,

se exasperó el yo en tu ambrosía,

y las notas apuraron la melodía prometida

y nuestras manos recorrieron los perímetros

y la coreografía de la danza nos unió.


El acordeón de melodías se embriaga,

los turbulentos audífonos protestan

 y el cañón se guarece en la devorada fuente 

donde muerde la pasión vagabunda.


Olías a lirio nacido en vino añejo

sabías a exótico potaje, 

tesoro escondido que reverdeció el tallo

cuya rama se extendió para beber tu savia.

Derechos Reservados.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Autora: Mónica Miquel Nieto

País: España

Fecha: 29/02/2024


Pasos sobre la acera, 

hojas caídas, turistas, 

colillas, parques infantiles, 

papel de caramelo,

gente, gente, gente.

Edificios históricos, 

turistas, portales, 

peluquerías, hospitales, 

despedidas de soltera, 

gente, gente, gente.

Aparcamientos de bicing,

papeleras, estatuas,

semáforos, farolas,

excrementos de perro,

gente, gente, gente.

Risas, prisas, reencuentros,

vagabundos pidiendo,

niños saliendo del cole,

personas charlando, 

gente, gente, gente.

Bancos con ancianos reposando,

aŕboles desnudos, terrazas,

maceteros con plantas resecas,

parejas besándose en un banco,

gente, gente, gente.

Contenedores, gaviotas,

paradas de bus, zona verde,

bocas de metro, hoteles, 

bazares, guarderías,

gente, gente, gente.

Bares, palomas, 


tiendas, zona azul,

más comercios,

gente, gente, gente.

Ruido de coches, perros, 

motos, furgonetas, 

centros de día, camiones,

patinetes, bazares chinos,

gente, gente, gente.

Añoro el bosque y los prados verdes,

necesito el silencio de la naturaleza,

el sonido de las gotas de llúvia,

la canción de las olas del mar, 

los cantos alegres de los pájaros, 

el zumbido de los insectos que vuelan...

De paseo por mi ciudad, 

despidiendo el día,

paso tras paso, sin prisa, 

observando el devenir de la rutina

y esperando la aparición de las estrellas.

Todos los Derechos Reservados

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Shahnaz Shahin

Shahnaz Shahin was born on March 20,  in 1956, in the village of Ulachali, which located Sabirabad city. She graduated from Azerbaijan Medical Institute,which  named after Nariman Narimanov with the degree on pediatrics, in 1979. She completed an internship in Baku,in 1980.

     She worked as a doctor in Shirvan city in 1981-1983, then she worked as the head physician in a  local hospital in  Sabirabad city, between  1984-2007: and then as district deputy chairman of the executive power between 2007-2019.

      She began her literary activity during her student years. Her poems were published in the newspaper of the Institute of Foreign Languages. She has been appeared with her literary works inpress  periodically from 1996. Besides those her literary workswere publishedin Turky,Tebriz,Uzbeckstan,Albania and in other countries of the world.

         Shahnaz Shaheen has published books on various topics until todays.Nowdays books publications are about Martyrs of Azerbaijan during Karabakh. She is the author more than 20 books , on different contents.

Her essays and articles are published on different pages of  press ,which were devoted to the theme of “Karabakh is Azerbaijan.” 

       And nowadays  our President mister Ilham Aliyev awarded her for her achivements They are : “International Rasul Reza Laureate” - 2018; “Member of Azerbaijan Writers' Union ” (2007); “Member of Azerbaijan Journalists' Union ” (2017).She is famous poet-publicist of Azerbaijan

International Forum For Creativity and Humanity kingdom of Morocco

Rifat Ismaili

Cikël poetik; 5 poezi të shkurtra


Kur i lidha sytë me shami

Shkova drejt saj atë çast.

Nuk di nëse rashë 

në një pus të zi

O gjeta një ishull 

që s' ndodhet në hartë!


Akrepi i orës lëviz kuturu

Si zog i paçelur i vezës.

Ti shpërthen si gonxhe tek unë

Nga thellësia e zemrës.


Fletët e verdha 


Si barka magjike...

Qyteti fluturon

Pas dallandysheve...

Si pergamenë

Udhëve të përkohshme

Shpresave të mëdyshme!


Ulem tek ai shtrat

Ku fle vajza dhe gruaja...

I shoh dhe ndjehem fajtor.

Nga dritarja e hapur

Hyjnë klithjet e një treni

Çohem dhe unë të shkoj...

Cigarja mu shua në dorë.


Çdo ditë që ikën

Frikë kam të vdes

Çdo natë që vjen

Kam frikë të jetoj...

Nëpër qiej enden

Parajsë e ferr;

As njërën, as tjetrën

Dot si pushtoj...


Amb. Dr. H. C. María Elena Ramírez




Hallowed Peace in the world

of endless wars that

man does not stop facing;

internal wars, an alarm

that the spirit cannot endure,

screams and silences inside

in front of a mirror he cries until

vent your reality; it is necessary

the help or empathy of others.

Peace in the world,

Peace in Humanity,

Peace in children,

May the violence stop now.

Hallowed harmony in the

brother peoples, rise

flags, white handkerchiefs

and balloons too, in union

of nations for a life without fear,

internal wars that reflect

discontent and sadness,

May there be peace all together in prayer.

Amb. Dr. H. C. María Elena Ramírez



Pseudonym: The Mystical Muse of Poetry

Ambassador of International Peace

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Maria Teresa Liuzzo

Maria Teresa Liuzzo , born in Saline di Montebello Jonico and lives in  Reggio di Calabria (Italia). 

She is President of  ( P.Benintende Lyric and dramatic Association)-'. Journalist and publisherChief  Director of  Literary Review ''LE MUSE''. Writer .Psycholic Doctot at   -Leibniz University Santa Fe, New Messico, USA. Modern  Literature and Philosophy Prof.  - USA. – Correspondent of  de ''Italy American bridge IL PONTE ITALO - '' -USA -  -New Meagre ' ' EUROPA (Hunedoara)-Romania



PUBLISHE WORKS:''ROOTS'' Jason Ed. (1992);

 ''PSYCHE'' Jason Ed. (1993);

''APEIRON'' Jason ed. (1995);

 ''UTOPIAN  EUTHANASIA '' Jason ed. (1997);

  -WATER  IS A SLOW BEAT'' Lineacultura Ed. (2001);

''  IMAGE AUTOPSY Agar ed. (2002);


 '' - SHADOW DOEN’T EXCEED THE LIGHT Agar ed. (2006);


''GENESIS'' Agar ed. (2008);

 '' –FORGET- ME-NOT Agar ed. (2009);


 ''I AM TALKING, NOW!'' Agar ed (2020); 

 -DON’T ME I LOVED THE WIND Agar ed. (2021);



'' THE LIGHT OF THE RETURN Agar ed. (2022)








Lots of articles and Publications in Italy and  Abroad  .

Translation by Francesco Di Rocco

Monday, February 26, 2024


Écrit par TAGHRID BOU MERHI en Arabe 

Traduit en Français: TAGHRID BOU MERHI

بـقـايـا غـرغـرة!

بقلم تغريد بو مرعي 

الترجمة إلى الفرنسية: تغريد بو مرعي


التي ارتبطت ملامحها


نهضَت بمشقةٍ

بعد صفعة..

كان الهواء

يعبُّ في صدرِ الحيرة

علامات الجزع

يمدُّ قامته

حتى الدركِ الأسفلِ

من النار..!

ويكأنّ الوقت

أحنى ظهره

ليتمكن من الهرب

يشحّذ عزيمته

بتلابيبِ الصبرِ والجَّلد ..


كان فيما سبق

يربتُ على شعورنا


في جوفِ الليل

وكأنّه جزء منّا ..

تقاسيم الغائب

ممزوجة بإمارات الأسى

فتصفّدَت النوافذ

واختلط الطين بالطين

والدّم بالدّم..

وما زاد الضيقِ بلّة

كانت العتمة

تغرقُ الحياة..

وصوتكَ المدّخر

لآخر ليلٍ


النوافذ المغلقة

يبحثُ عن بقايا غرغرة

في مشيئةِ الأيّام.



Traduit en Français: TAGHRID BOU MERHI

La fenêtre dont les traits étaient liés à l'étouffement s'est levée péniblement après une gifle...

L'air s'engouffrait dans la poitrine de l'incertitude, marquant des signes de panique.

Il se dressait, s'étirant jusqu'au bord du bas, loin du feu... 

Comme si le temps courbait le dos pour pouvoir s'échapper.

Il aiguise sa volonté avec les lames de la patience et du cuir...

Il était autrefois couché sur nos sentiments et nos lamentations au creux de la nuit, comme s'il faisait partie de nous...

Les contours de l'absence mêlés aux signes de chagrin.

Les fenêtres se sont fermées, la boue se mêle à la boue, et le sang au sang...

Et le resserrement n'a fait qu'assombrir la vie...

Ta voix, réservée jusqu'au dernier soir, était assiégée par les fenêtres closes.

Il cherche les restes d'un gargouillis dans les méandres des jours.

Marie Moldovan

Marie Moldovan is a Saskatchewan native and Ontario immigrant. Some would call them a reverse snowbird, who feels most comfortable surrounded by snowcapped mountains. 

Nomadic by nature, Marie is multifaceted and has mastered many skills. They dub themselves a jack of many trades and master of some. However, because Marie has acquired a plethora of diplomas spanning the educational spectrum, Marie’s mother on the contrary would call them a professional student.

Marie would accredit their adaptability to the training they received as a Canadian Forces medic, and their artistic ability to their family. Both attributes have aided her along her journey from the points of homelessness and despair to the place of stability and optimism she has arrived at today. 

In 2018, Marie was diagnosed with service-related PTSD, and within the same breath of time became a widow.

Unresolved trauma, and the loss of their husband caused Marie to skirt the edges of insanity. Faced with losing complete touch with reality, they returned to writing and art.

In a sense writing and art saved Marie’s life, at least that’s their claim. Fortunately, for the world, Marie’s choice to embrace creation has led them to captain a new life as a publisher, illustrator, writer and artist. 

Marie is the author of 20 years of Winter and has currently opened the doors of her own publication organization, aptly named, I Ain’t Your Marionette. Her book is an autobiographical collection of poetry and art. She published it in hopes to make a way for others who have suffered similar traumas to feel safe knowing that they are not alone nor are they to blame for their experiences. 20 Years of Winter is Marie’s source of empowerment offered to those victims to stand up to their perpetrators and to speak out against victim shaming.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


Dr Bhawani Shankar Nial 

Translated by

Bankim Mund 

It was not the fire

Of hunger

That hardly aware

Of how the day

Follows the night.

It was not the fire

Of greed for power

That breaks

Or restores the laws

Time and again;

That outlaws

The rules, regulations

Even the


And Parliament.

It was not my fire

Of allurements

That lures me

Sometimes something,

Even enticing me

In my oblivion towards


Royal palace

And valley of famine.

It was not the fire

Beneath the belly

But something

That hardly differentiates

 Time, day, month, space

Fortune, misfortune;

May be a conflagration

That can annhilate

All the materialistic pursuits :

Palace, empire

The rich, the poor

And their

ceaseless dream;

May be the inferno

That devours

Love, hatred

Even time:

The past, present

And future.

The fire... fire:


The inner world


The outer world.

Fire.. Fire... Fire




Odisha, India

Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Guamúchil, Salvador Alvarado Sinaloa México



Guamúchil, Salvador Alvarado Sinaloa México.

Quiero decirle al mundo que hay

Algo que me preocupa

Y en mis noches de sueño mi mente de eso se ocupa

Porque se ha invertido y creado la guerra

Para beneficio de unos cuantos?

Sin pensar en nuestros niños

Que son en nuestras vidas alegría y de gran encanto dueños. 

Porque en el campo de batalla nos matamos entre hermanos tan sólo para que 

Sé Enriquezcan quienes al mundo 

Hacen daño. 

Dejemos ya ese fusil

Unámonos en un abrazo, todos somos

Hermanos sin importar raza o color 

Que tu sufrimiento es el mio hermano y tu dolor mi dolor. 

Hay una lucha que tenemos que empezar

Unidos todos pues en un abrazo por la paz del mundo hermano.

Sunday, February 18, 2024




The main goal is to unite the efforts of all types of creativity, literature and art, specialists, entrepreneurs, bodies of all levels of creative intelligentsia, creative Unions, Academies, associations, groups, investors, other interested organizations and structures to create favorable conditions for the development of literature, art and cultural activities at the international level.

Magnifying the voice of writers, academic programs, and the organizations that support them, while advocating for diversity and excellence in creative writing.

Promoting literature, art, peace, humanity, women's rights, magazines on children's rights and creativity, reviving the world heritage and presenting it in all corners of the Earth.

Organization of contests, exhibitions, conferences, festivals, congresses, advertising and intermediary and other services for collective use (including online), and other events that do not contradict the legislation of the member countries and participants of the parties.

To expand partnership cooperation in different countries in the field of literary, cultural, humanitarian and print-journalistic activities by independent creative and humanitarian collectives and organizations engaged in and propagandized cultural and literary values of all countries and all peoples of the world, without restrictions on skin color, nationality and religion, to promote the culture of their peoples, humanism and humanity, literature and art, culture and propaganda of language, classical literature, poetry, music and all kinds of arts, finding and promoting young talents in this field, highlighting these aspects of activity in print on paper and electronic media, supporting writers through mass media and communication publications, creative writing programs, groups, organizations and conferences, holding events in this field and mutual partnership promotion, assistance, encouragement and support.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 Iris Calif 


Iris Calif [Israel]

      The Daughter of the living (and other four poems)


God creates the heavens

Of the spirit in the light of the world

Springs with the authentic names of life

You are my strength

In my image the moon;

Man’s salvation.

Behold, I am the Iris; the daughter of the living

Naked in sight of the sick of the kingdom of above

Adorned with gold and drops of moon light.

The sun in the clouds, and the rays wanders

My body like the burning of the darkness

Of Arch,

The night is heart breaking from time to time,

Embroiders in the mountains to the Iris grace,

And at the gate of the earth, Gabriel.

The temple house of the dead,

Was founded in me

And the snowy days of the blood

Of my soul.

Kneels in the light of the prophets

Down touches a human-

Blooded kiss,

And in the image of the soul of God,

Our father in heaven,

In the beginning of the wilderness.

Temple of the scriptures of the world

In the voice of psalms, creator of the human


Daughter of love, daughter of God

A girl of life 

     The Seal of Life

In the night string 

I dance the halo of my heart

My wounded body is bleeding 

My soul is gathered

To the seal of life


      A goddess Heaven Iris of the hidden Sky land

In the river boundaries of the anomaly halo

I spill my secrets to the hidden heaven Spirit land 

the winter fast, the universe of my world steps will be stride 

King of the Angels of the World

Our Father in Heaven

Lord of all deeds, Lord of armies

The King of Glory, who created the human spirit of the living 

My blowing voice is distinguished by the twilight of your holy place

Waking up in the soul of the sky land

Savior of existence in the exhalation of the righteous

The night exceeds love affairs in the delight of darkness

To my naked body at the pole mystery

Crossing a mountain of heaven

And in the fields of the clay sun

My breathe is alien

On God’s Moon

I kneel down to the blue Crimson of my hallucination dreams

Spreading as an appealing 

In the dirt of the anomaly

Like a goddess Heaven Iris of the hidden land Sky

      Crown of life

My body is carried as heaven worlds, kneels his spirit in front of the wings of the land of death, the land of living and the land of love

and I am the human flower Iris draping my tears in the stone of death in front of the living Grace Mountain of my purified broken soul that blowing her Breaths in my Piot mysteries prayer of my dreaming Iris soul to the living

The flower Iris a universe,

A girl, a woman, kneeling to wings of life, to my body

Death of lovers, Anorexia;

The kingdom of the life and death personification:

You the Anorexia

My spiritual soul friend grasping me,

And breathing me with infinity: Death

My soul, foe my escape from my destruction,

My flogging, my Awe

My dismantle of my faith, my trust my security, my purification

From rain instinct, of my own self, and from human Inclination.

I ask and look at my soul, my grief, my fear, my destruction,

Yet yearning to strength, of feminine power, a pour loving and longing of a girl,

Woman for life within her, a body healthy and sound,

To close my green living eyes, with rain, thunder in the lighting moon,

And the sun of the worlds. My body breathes deeply in my weeping years.

For my weeping years, and am dreaming the crown of life

The growing generating dancing animals,

And me, the human Iris flower standing out healthy 

Covering my spirit soul of my naked body to the 

Crown of life 

      The candles of the soul


In the silence of the moon the emerald kingdom is tied in my kingdom

And my childhood’s stone with a veil on my body, is carried to the wings of the wind

Between the ends of your eyes my tears are shedding

To the quiet of my rocky dreamy


In the candles of the soul


























































































     (盛易娴 译;Tr. Sheng Yixian)

About the author

    Iris Calif, Resident of the State of Israel, poet, writer, translator of poetry (To Hebrew), and dancer. Iris is also In charge of all foreign connection for the cultural and literature internet magazine “in direction of the wind”, Writer, editor and translator Universal Poetry at “Mokasini” Magazine Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, Editor and translator in the “World Poetry” section of the literature website “Rooms”. She is member of the Composers’ Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named “ACUM. Iris is Award Winner of 2023: The International Best Poets: IPTRC, THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY [Multilingual] [China], & The Board of Directors of World Union of Poetry Magazines, November 18, 2023.

    Iris was awarded a diploma from “The Russian Professional Writers Union” and the international magazine “Arina NN”, registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her contribution to world culture “International Poetic Community” 2022.

    She holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco. Iris is 49 years old: married and mother of three daughters.

Her three books were publisher: In a fascinating (or magic) lane breathes (or blows) Lolita on 2001; Wild moon on 2017, And The daughter of GOD on 2020. She is currently working on her fourth book of scripture. Her poems have been published on radio, television, magazines in Israel and abroad, literary websites in Israel and around the world Exhibited in Exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Israel, the Internet and newspapers international, and have been translated by international poets into Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Turkish, Nepali, Assamese, Italian and Arabic. Her poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams life, and breathes holy worlds, in the hidden spirit, and is a symbol and expression of her victory over Anorexia, and her choice of choosing life and love with courage



    爱丽丝因其对2022年世界文化“国际诗意共同体”的贡献而获得了“俄罗斯职业作家联盟”和在俄罗斯文化部注册的国际杂志“Arina NN”颁发的证书。



Thursday, February 15, 2024


Angélica Maria Escavassa

     O processo criativo de Angélica Escavassa originou com o trabalho artesanal em família. 

    Observando pinturas e técnicas de grandes artistas, ela ficou motivada e passou a focar seu potencial criativo na nova experiência, abraçando desafios com liberdade de inovar na criatividade.  

     Assim ela descobriu o quanto a pintura na arte visual é capaz de proporcionar ao artista o poder de manifestação, realização e libertação.

     Como artista, Angélica Escavassa expressa a linguagem visual através da pintura em telas e painéis, os seus pensamentos, anseios, emoções, cultura e história, com elementos visuais como formas, tons, cores, texturas, e dimensões para despertar a sensibilidade dos espectadores.

     Na beleza estética, suas obras contemporâneas são agradáveis aos olhos por suas cores vibrantes e alegres e na sua criatividade eclética, os principais temas são os Abstratos, os florais, os decorativos e paisagens, incluindo temas da fauna e flora brasileira. 

      Suas técnicas utilizando tinta a óleo ou acrílica, são com Pinceladas, espatuladas ou mista e aplicações.

     Por motivos particulares a artista ficou afastada do trabalho artístico por alguns anos, voltando em 2020 com muitas atividades em exposições nacionais e internacionais virtuais e exposições presenciais em sua cidade onde também tem coordenado e para seus projetos, ela pesquisa e com os elementos que possam ajudar começa a produzir. 

      Na linguagem artística à tinta, muitas vezes mistura as técnicas e experimenta materiais diferentes e chegando no resultado desejado, libera a obra para apreciação pública com quem ela vai dialogar e para o 


Delsa López. Cuba.

 No brake

… We are one body, between the sweat, the sheets, the ecstasy.

        (Armando Pérez González)

Riding and your eyes on mine

put, the weeds turned into flowers.

The end of the race were rivers

that bathed my body in jets.

Looks like whips gave way

to a rider without brakes in his career,

who made his sighs, with a bow,

woven with spring honey.

The spur that encourages my flanks

it won't let me slow down. Can you

divert your pupils from mine

and stop spurring me on? ...

hide the deluge on my walls?

The river grows in the bed… it grows by the seas!


La petunia conjuga su aroma 

sus yemas peinan el azúcar del hambriento polen.

Mezcla el escondite de carbones adobados, 

irisa sus colores y el nido se abre en la silueta, 

su pincel resplandece en los añejos pétalos. 

Consigue dorar el gemido que embriaga 

mientras los agujeros del rocío desnudan sus hojas.

Unos remolinos rojos restallan el beso. 

Danza el néctar en el tallo,

tejido de un cielo de sonrisas

tartamudas en la grieta de la blanca noche

donde ha regado la cetina de una vela,

olvidado tiempo de bohemias horas,

cuando el cuerpo era melodía de un soñado acordeón.

Autora: Iriabel Lazo Alvarado

Costa Rica, Tilarán

Febrero, 13 de 2024

D. R. A.

Imagen de la Web

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Yatti Sadeli's Poetry

Yatti Sadeli's Poetry


Reflects in my every night's dreams

Touching my body in fantasy

Because dreams can't be real

Dreams are still dreams.

But in a dream

I see the natural landscape around me

Is this my country that I know?

Which is now devastated by bombs, mortars and missiles.

I do not believe. . .

Where are those I love?

Are my people threatened with genocide?

Tens of thousands of innocent people were crushed by cannon fire


Oh if I could change the world, even if I had to sacrifice my life, I would do it to restore the beauty of the world.

Because. . . .

I'm not a bird that will fly away if it has pecked its prey

I'm not a black cloud that will soon pass away if it rains

I am and will remain

Because. . .

This nature is the air in which I breathe

The earth where I stand

And the sky is my shelter

So what can I do without this nature

A piece of silk seemed to slide down

Makes everything look vague

Like in a dream

The air felt tight covering emotions

Who is ready to grab

And it's spreading everywhere

The peaceful atmosphere seems to indicate helplessness

Like a poisonous mist that covers

humans with boredom

The last seconds passed again in the sound of rifles and cannons

Like in a shimmering dream.

Four months were like melting disappearance

Time passes quickly

In a nightmare.



International forum for Creativity and Humanity kingdom of Morocco Reg n 43/2018 Prisident and Founder Aziz Mountassir  

Email :

WhatsApp : +212680720040

The International Forum for Human Creativity: The Kingdom of Morocco is far from everything that is political, religious, extremist, and racist, and it forbids attacking regimes, political leaders, and people in general.

Goels of IFCH

1 Among the objectives of the forum is to create cultural, artistic , peace , , coexistence and human contact between all countries, Morocco , in order to exchange 

  Spreading the culture of homeland love, social peace, world peace, tolerance and coexistence between peoples locally and internationally.  

Contributing to the advancement of literature, arts, peace , Humanity , women's rights children's rights and creativity magazines, reviving the world heritage, and introducing it to all parts of the Earth

 Working to organize festivals and programmed trips inside the country and the rest of the world

 Contributing to the development of peaceful speeches and symposia calling for world peace, love, brotherhood, tolerance and humanity

 Organizing training sessions in the fields of art, creativity and world heritage inside the country and in the rest of the world

 Organizing training courses in the fields of art and creativity in educational and training institutions, for the sake of socialization and citizenship based on love, peace and peaceful coexistence.

 Organizing effective visits for charitable and social work for the benefit of the homes of the elderly, cancer patients, abandoned children, widows and destitute families.

 Attention to the issues of women, children, persons with special needs, and citizens in difficult situations

  Attention to youth issues and integrating them into a peaceful and civilized milieu, while combating extremism, drugs and riots of all kinds.

 Encouraging citizens to practice peace and creativity by establishing art schools with the possibility of creating a national and international academy of art and creativity whose motto is peace, love and brotherhood.

  Organizing festivals, parties, and cultural, artistic, educational, social, and sports activities, and giving radio lectures and seminars of an international academic level symbolizing love, peace, world peace and humanity

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Tamikio Dooley 

Media personality, writer, and author Tamikio Al Dooli, an icon of craftsmanship, management creativity, and the great culture of water.

  Written by: Hamid Al Majma’i, Iraq

 I stopped contemplating her creativity a lot before I wrote my letters to write about a creator. I take creativity from her inspiration more than what I took from him. It is as if she were a star that inspires letters to be written about with a silence similar to the rising of a morning sun, flowing with the calmness of the sunrise to draw the silvery dew of letters over the rose petals, to plant the beauty of her nails that she took from the dust of the earth and formulate features. Her letters are as delicate as fragrant ink, with her thought free from ignorance.... A brown icon whose beauty lies in the music of her words, which create light to illuminate minds asleep at a frozen table that does not want to move and develop their ideas. This is the difference between someone who writes to advance his society, alert it, and give to it without taking from an environment crowded with contrasting ideas and the spread of ignorance and the ignorant at a time when the intellectual has become more illiterate. From the illiteracy of those who do not understand letters... Our creator today is different from creative women, as she grew up in a city that experienced multiple conflicts in terms of the different succession of cultures by those who aspired to it and its great lakes from which it gained its name. It was the home of the Indians before the French discovered it in the seventeenth century AD. It was influenced by British culture after a series of wars that ended in 1763 AD. To be under the control of the United States after the American Revolution (1775 - 1783 AD). Yes, a culture that emerged from the depth of the history of its city, Michigan, or Michigan, as some call it, which gained its name from the greatness of its waters, the city of industry and mining for iron, its processing, and the automobile industry. It is now a complex for most of its Arab residents due to its beauty, harmony, familiarity with its residents, and coexistence with them due to the kindness of their hearts. And there are many creative people there who We always miss them while they live far from us after they were stars in their country, such as the giant Iraqi actor Bahjat Al-Jubouri, whom we missed for a long time... Yes, she is a creator, a content maker, the founder of many international newspapers and magazines, and a supervisor who possesses cultural capabilities that the owners of cultural institutions do not possess. High and could she not be when she is the writer and journalist Tamikio Al Dooley, who is great in everything and runs many magazines, including the International Linguistic Literature Magazine...despite all the conflicts and challenges that she encountered in her life, every time someone tried to harm her, she would climb the mountain of creativity to be In its cultural summit, in which it set its own goal and does not back down until it achieves its goals. Yes, this is what a great woman is when she is confident in the creativity she has presented. Nothing stops her except to be a star in a clear sky for professionals to read and for lovers to flirt with. …a journey in which every creative person, male and female, is proud, and I truly found it worthy of every letter I confidently wrote about it. This is the brilliant, creative international star, Tamikio L. Dooley, an award-winning author. It has more than 150 cultural titles and 90 published books. In addition to her interest in writing fictional and realistic novels about crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western, romance, zombie apocalypse, and the supernatural. She spends her free time writing short stories, poetry, health books, children's books, memoirs, magazines, inspirational books, cultural and African American books, and history books. 

In addition to being the founding publisher of CreatiVI genuity magazine, the chief literary editor of Pen-Craft Literature magazine, the editor-in-chief of Friendship and People magazine, and the general manager of Elite magazine and newspaper. She is the ambassador of the Arab Elite Union of Creatives at the Royal House, Humanity, the Daily Global Nation newspaper, and the non-profit organization Agena International. She is an ambassador, president and advisor of the International Forum for Human Creativity (IFCH). She is a member of Equality Dream, World Culture and Creativity Day for Peace, the Palace of Culture University of Sciences, Arts and World Peace, and the Union of Writers and Artists of Hungary. Tamiko is the International Affairs Secretary of the World Writers Guild. Tamikio has been featured in Humanity Magazine, Elite Magazine, CreateVIngenuitiy Magazine, kid Liomag, and Connections E-Magazine.

 She has received awards and honors published in the Major Cold Day Anthology, Parliament of Popular Poetry, and the Multinational Pen Soldiers Poetry Anthology.

 In addition to receiving recognition as the best crime author in September 2016, he received the World Literature Award 2022, the National Poetry Theater Award of Bangladesh 2023, the International Peace Medal Award, the Peace Prize, and a certificate for the book Hyper Poem (a book of poetry published by 1,700 poets) “Cheng” Cup Nyan” for National Literature (Second Place Award) 2023, Virtual International Artists Exhibition Certificate, Best Leadership Award 2023, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023, People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023, and received her first Crystal Award in the Crime category, among other awards. An innovator that my humble pen cannot describe or write about her biography, which is full of creative creativity. How happy I was to write and get to know such world-class writers to exchange cultures and bring literary points of view closer together, despite the differences in the clash of civilizations and their differences in practicing their customs and beliefs, to bring humanity together above all else.

 My dear, creative doll

 Slavica Blagojević (Anisija Crepović)


         The fledgling of the prophetic bird in Jerusalem                                     

As I lay on the Milkprofferer’s breast

I unfasten the spilt hunger

moving around the edge of an evil time

soaring with the bird of Fate

I watched the saints weep.

Your motherhood

poured out from the branch of your blood 

your youth

awoke from your milk.

Stone by stone slips from the hands

and in your womb sin breathes.

Cloistered crossroads and roads 

stunned by fear, in our wake not a single skull shines in their vicinity.

At the root, the cut off foot remains bare.

Out of sight of children

with soft faces; lines collected

slightly faded

The Milkprofferer is unaware that 

she is observed

imbuing her

abruptly old face, all the centuries

abutted by mankind.

Between the buttercup flower and the rock

yonder, perhaps I could call it home,

in the scent of milky tears I shall inhume my senses and scattered yellow light across the earth.

The eyes stare in the hope of finding Christ

among the warriors.

Bending the knee; I catch that cantillation of prayer, that soothing breath of those wounded,

homeless in their own country

That image of the voice, the voice that reflects, in the soil, the spring in the ground.

They shall rise soon:

Home, who would not wish to return there, for a door to open suddenly

The oily wick curled like a weasel’s tail

for a drop of tallow to drip in the dark over the feet

and vouch that the floor is there –

a red lamp to shine, and the top crust of bread

the nest built on rocky ground, to glow atop the hill.

The skin of her breast like a silk cocoon, removed my tongue

planted it in the rose garden, where she goes to sing in the eve, in the gorse brush.

Bloody wars are being waged, yonder are pastures and rusty broken gates that open with a creak

facing the landscapes of New Days and the bird’s ominous call, they lie amidst the meadows

kissing Christ’s firefly on the foot

in the dark roots of the world.

Definition of one of the creations of the plastic artist Hasnaa Ettour  

Ettour Hasnna is a remarkable artist who deeply cares about exploring human identity and the interconnectedness of people. Her artwork features a wall adorned with numerous faces and the Hebrew phrase 'Et Haim,' which means "Tree of Life." Through this artistic representation, she aims to demonstrate how we are all connected, as we share the same origins. The 'Tree of Life' symbolizes personal growth and the repetitive pattern of existence, and the artwork touches upon psychological aspects such as self-awareness, belonging, and the search for meaning. Ettour's art encourages viewers to reflect on the profound connections between individuals, despite apparent differences or physical barriers. The painting highlights the complexity of the human experience and the beauty inherent in the timeless circle of life.

Monday, February 12, 2024

 By The journalist Hamed Majmaii

Dr.Libertad Bentancourt

The Mexican writer, radio host, photographer, and poet Dr. Libertad Bentancourt... a legend of creativity blended with the sweetness of words and the diversity of cultures.

If you want to talk about Mexican literature and culture, you must evoke its rich heritage full of captivating beauty into the world of creativity, where differences, dimensions, customs, traditions, and seasons of creativity abound, distinguishing themselves in importance and significance for the society that lives in it despite all the development in that country with its multiple languages and cultures that emerged mixed with the beauty and dreams of tequila music, mariachi music, and embroidered sombreros in western Mexico. Each region or state enjoys a unique cultural identity accompanied by corresponding cuisines and popular songs and crafts that its inhabitants take great pride in.

Mexican cultural heritage is rich with diverse and luminous cultures, a blend of original, Spanish influences, and a commitment to revitalizing and preserving traditions, such as Day of the Dead, Mexican Independence Day, Cinco de Mayo, and many regional celebrations. These festivities are filled with lively musical scenes, influenced by the diversity of cultural conflicts from which the princess of creativity, as they called her in her country, Dr. Libertad Bentancourt emerged, leaving your pen amazed before her activities that extend beyond the realm of culture, building institutions and her impact and influence in the general cultural milieu.

Our creator today is from a country distinguished by all forms of artistic creativity, whether in the field of fashion design with its unique designs or colors, or the pleasure of tacos and fajitas with their unique tortillas, or in the field of its music mixed between nationalism and urbanism, such as the guitar, trio, and maracas. Or in its distinguished literature in novels, poetry, and theater... And let's not forget her handcrafts and artistic skills in pottery, textiles, embroidery, and tobacco. In addition to her acquisition from a mixture of her Hindu-Spanish heritage and her social culture, which brought together Hindus and religious stories...

So, our creator today, her prominence and brilliance came from the depths of those conflicts and differences that she experienced and lived in her rich country with its diverse cultural heritage, abundant with Aztec and Mayan temples: which are considered one of the most important landmarks of ancient American civilizations. As well as its traditional dances: such as the grasshopper dance and the descent dance. And traditional Mexican dishes: such as fajitas, tacos, and tortillas. - And handicrafts: such as the famous Mexican rugs and pottery. And traditional Mexican art: such as painting... From here, our poetess began to take her creativity, blended with the sweetness and taste of her civilization and rich history mixed with the beauty of the past, to play her words and melodies on the strings of modernity, infusing freedom into the souls of her readers with her creativity. Such is the Mexican-born artist, poet, writer, photographer, administrative coordinator, business manager, radio and television consultant, actress, certified trainer, ambassador of good intentions, and educational guide Dr. Libertad Bentancourt, of Mexican, Spanish, and Lebanese origin, born in Mexico City. She has traveled to different countries around the world. In Houston, Texas over the past twenty years. She worked as a goodwill ambassador, versatile writer, poet, artist, professional photographer, actress, director and artistic consultant, business advisor, speaker, host of Houston Radio, presenter, interviewer, teacher, organizer of artistic events, festivals, and volunteering for good deeds. She is known for her dedication to serving others. She founded the global movement called "Love of Life," which elevates her professional life to a much higher level because this network not only facilitates her extensive work in many fields but also facilitates her connections in almost every corner of the world, enabling them to fulfill their positive roles in serving humanity in general.

Photography occupies a very important part in her active life. A lover of philanthropy, she is a creative individual who has received four honorary doctorate degrees, including an honorary doctorate from the Global Summit of Knowledge 2022, Mexico City. Honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) 2022, Kingdom of Morocco. Honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFC) Kingdom of Morocco and the Arabic INM Lebanon, 2022. International organizations. International academies 2022. (The seventh peace meeting. Human rights. 

Professional experience - Companies and positions 
HIS WISDOM High School, Houston, Texas, September 2022 - June 2023. 
Worked as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, emotional intelligence consultant and trainer, peace and art ambassador, and supporter of involved specialists. Volunteering. 
ALAR HISD Institute | ESL teacher for parents in various HISD schools Houston, Texas 2023. 
Public figure | Social media manager 2010 - present 
Radio host and content creator manager. 
PETER LIK FINE ART Houston, Texas, August 2018 - January 2020 
Art and sales consultant. - Administrative consultant for vice presidents and directors. - State-level training and communications coordinator in money laundering. 

Creative no matter how much we talk about her, we find no limit to her brilliant, inspiring, and masterful work as a radio writer, poet, artist, and photographer.

Stay creative, my lady.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj International Women’s Day: Celebrating Progress, Empowering the Future Every year on March 8th, the world comes to...