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Monday, April 27, 2020

WILLIAMS PEN - a weekly poetic analysis on Sundays
The Poet: Joanna Svensson
The Poem
I have heard the voice of silence
A voice I never heard before
I thought that silence was dumb
I thought it was both deaf and blind
I felt its presense clearly
So comforting it felt, indeed
Imagine, just to be
Alone - together with silence
Far away from all duties
Far away from all doings
Far away from reality
Far away from everyone
Imagine - just silence and me
A so, today - for the very first time
Its voice I heard - it whispered so friendly
-I am the one who have healing powers
When there are too many voices
When there are too many tones
Of different sorts - of different kinds
When you cannot think clearly
You mobilize your strength
Your adrenaline is pumping hard
To make it through the day
To manage serving everyone
Living up to others expectations
To smile here and there
Though I most of all
Want to be left alone
I feel so deeply privileged
To be chosen to hear the voice of silence
The voice that only I can hear
In my secret temple of peace
A temple with heavy wooden gates
That has locked out the outside world
Where I can feel
the healing power of silence
It sweeps me calmly
It makes me sense
The basic meaning of life
I truly enjoy my silence
Here in my temple of peace
Where I deliberately closed the gates
The gates to the outside world
Here - where no one enters
No one against my will
Here - where no one enters
No one without my consent
Here - where I can enjoy my silence
And finally can be at peace!
Swenstorp, Sweden 23/4/20
©® Joanna Svensson
The silence gives us enough time to change and to be different than others. The silence of a silent prayer or retreat is not an end in itself and is not intended as an ascetical practice or as a penance but to enable you to get in touch with God and what is deepest within all of us.
Good poetry has healing powers. The human body is even more intelligent than the mind. It is connected with a timeless wisdom. And since the body is intelligent, it knows how to heal itself. If allowed to do so. But, among us the art of permission or allowing has died an untimely death
“A so, today - for the very first time
Its voice I heard - it whispered so friendly
-I am the one who have healing powers
When there are too many voices
When there are too many tones
Of different sorts - of different kinds..”
Above lines are highly poetic and elegant in its structure and expertise. Congratulations dear Honorable Poet Joanna Svensson
We all believe that God speaks to the heart of each individual, but we probably will not hear God's voice as little if we fill our days with the noise and busy-ness. We can try to fill the emptiness within and in between the crowded busy life without that, we are unable to be in silence, which is the most healing power dormant in human
“ A temple with heavy wooden gates
That has locked out the outside world
Where I can feel
the healing power of silence
It sweeps me calmly
It makes me sense
The basic meaning of life…”
The above lines are simple and celestial in its composition.
There are times when we are to stay behind noiseless moods and moments and there are times when we are to speak up. The times when we are to remain silent are when we’re removing ourselves from conflict, listening to the words from God in silence.
Sometimes we must go before the Lord and stand still in His presence. Sometimes we need to be silent and get away from distractions to hear God, Almighty. The poem contributes a good message to all.
Dear Honorable Poet Joanna Svensson, please accept my congratulations for sharing such a simple poem with a good theme on silence. Stay blessed/ love and Light
 Williamsji Maveli

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