Joanna Svensson
I saw my Guardian angel
An early morning in June
Sleeping in my hammock
Between the cherry trees
His wings were resting
On a cloud - danced by elfs
Just above the meadow
In the morning
I have seen it
Quite a few days now
Flying around and inspecting
That all the little birds
Breed and develope well
And that all the flowers
Get colored magically
All that lives and dwells
In my summers garden
Love the angels' beautiful inside
It's thanks to him it's multiplying
That all seasons - are enchanted still
When evening falls
And night is sweeping, tucking in
With its calm
All living creations
Then he puts himself to rest
Here, right here in my hammock.
Stringed up between the cherry trees
Just waiting til the next day
To do it all over again
With his loving spirit
He touches all living - all around
I see him often
In my garden
Singing lives' and fulfilments song
Everything he touches - comes to life!
©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson
Joanna Svensson
An early morning in June
Sleeping in my hammock
Between the cherry trees
His wings were resting
On a cloud - danced by elfs
Just above the meadow
In the morning
I have seen it
Quite a few days now
Flying around and inspecting
That all the little birds
Breed and develope well
And that all the flowers
Get colored magically
All that lives and dwells
In my summers garden
Love the angels' beautiful inside
It's thanks to him it's multiplying
That all seasons - are enchanted still
When evening falls
And night is sweeping, tucking in
With its calm
All living creations
Then he puts himself to rest
Here, right here in my hammock.
Stringed up between the cherry trees
Just waiting til the next day
To do it all over again
With his loving spirit
He touches all living - all around
I see him often
In my garden
Singing lives' and fulfilments song
Everything he touches - comes to life!
©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson