Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Malleable Realities
William s.peters,sr.


I have shaped,
I have shifted,
I have shape-shifted
My truth,
My reality
To fit the minimized paradigm
Of my thoughts

I am the border police
Who gives permissions
For self to travel
To new lands
Of understanding,
And perception ...

Some times,
I apply for asylum
As a guard
For my retreat
From things
That challenge me
Beyond my established
Comfort zones,
Known and
The unknown

I have hidden in shadows
Attempting to evade
The light,
But truth be told,
I was never successful
For any sustaining
Period of meaningful time
At evading nor hiding
From my self,
Nay, only the dead I think
Can accomplish that!

I have tried
Flipping the coin,
And peering at the 'tails' side
Trying to adjust my head,
But 'heads'
Always prevailed

I have tried to bake cakes
Without an oven,
Oh what a gooey mess,
But the batter was sweet

Give it a rest
I said in my head,
So, I will be still
And redress in word
This malleable reality
A bit later ...


(c) 27 july 2019 : william s. peters, sr.


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