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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The power of mind
Joanna Svensson
Between heaven and earth
Somewhere in the universe
Words are floating
Waiting to be born
Waiting to be real

Words that will describe
What does not yet exist

They are weightless yet
But they will be born
With the power of mind
In the almighty universe

And you may be surprised
That everything is possible
If you just dare to look
Beyond borders of boundry

The words who wants to join
Does not yet really dare
To enter the dark cloak of rules
Rules that mankind made itself

Because how shall they be written?
How should they be used?
Hov should they be spelled?
And what will they really mean?

Some words are just lovely
Big and strong and filled with endless beauty
Some words are shy and feeble
They carefully peek from behind the clouds

The words that come
Will always want
To speak their minds

They want to come out
They want to get in
They want to reform
They want to provoke
To challenge and enrich
To expand and beautify
All tongues of the world
Each language on earth

To make rules for them
Is actually
Quite presumptious - but still
The ones who do it
Use words that already exist

They claim to be educated
They say that they are wise
They pretend to be well red - Oh, well!
But truly - they just borrowed
From the language of the universe

Between heaven and earth
Somewhere in the universe
Words are floating
Waiting to be born

The power of mind
Gives them air to breathe and spirit to ripe
And sounds of the universe
are softly whispered
To the new dawning light
of a new dawning day

©®Joanna Svensson

©Private picture Joanna Svensson

Svenstorp - Sweden 23-07-2019

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