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Monday, January 6, 2025

 Lilliana Christiansen




Exclamación a Dios.


La Bendición del Santo Padre Francisco hacia nosotros sea recibida como mucho amor porque  Dios  revelo  a este mundo la proclamación del nacimiento de Jesus con 

la estrella de Belen  que guío a los Santos Eruditos Reyes del Oriente hacia ese pequeño pesebre dónde estaba la Gloria del Señor El Salvador .

Trayendo Oro ,Incienso y Mirra.

"Que domine el amor  hasta los confines de la tierra "

El Rey Herodes pregunto a los sacerdotes  por la profecía cuando apareció en el firmamento una  luz   enorme era  la estrella  de 

Belén la tierra de Juda .

Al entrar emocionados los Reyes vieron a María y José  junto al Niño ,le entregaron los regalos abriendo sus cofres

Sus corazónes postrados en adoración ,allí estaban en la tierra levantando sus cabezas a un niño humilde para entender la grandeza que hay en un Rey Salvador que vino a servirnos ,la pequeñez envuelto en pañales en una cuna de paja .

Ofrescamos los dones que tenemos porque nos falta más oración inclinamos nuestras rodillas y pidamos la luz que  El nos de su  Gracia .

Los Reyes Magos también 

nos dan esperanzas de  buscar la Paz .

 Luego ellos   se dirigieron por otro camino hacia su país .

El Salvador  venció a la muerte .



Aleluya .

Lilliana Christiansen

      Agustina Acuña


Cartita o simple nota, queriendo que uno de los Reyes que llegara a mi aposento siquiera lo leyera...

Dime Rey Mago 

¿Por qué hay tanto olvidado en el mundo?

Hay niños huérfanos de todo, de padres, de cariño. Ellos no tuvieron regalo. ¡Tan sólo en sueños acariciaron su anhelado deseo!

Miles de ancianos esperaron 

un pedazo de panteón con un poquito de chocolate, pero ni éso ni un abrazo de nadie. ¡Perdieron ya, toda esperanza! 

Cuántos lloraron su agonía, pues se despedían del mundo sin una caricia de sus seres queridos. 

¡Y qué no hubiesen dado por una última mirada!

Cuánta indiferencia para quienes sufren la desgracia de vivir en una guerra. En medio de escombros pidieron ¡Alto y fin a las masacres!

Cuántos esperaron y esperaron el regreso del ser amado, o tan sólo un pequeño mensaje. ¡Se cansaron de esperar y jamás hubo ni una letra!

Yo pido Rey Mago si pudieras llevar mis abrazos, mis besos 

y mi inmenso afecto a mis viejitos lindos y a mis varios hermanitos que  moran, con Dios en las alturas.

Ellos deben estar también recordándome, queriéndo darse un saltito para arroparme con su abrigo, regalarme su cariño 

y devolverme la alegría y la esperanza de nuevos días 

del color de la felicidad. 

¡Cómo te lo agradecería Rey Mago!

A los otros Reyes Magos les pido lleven salud, paz, amor y prosperidad a todo el mundo. 

Sí paz, alegría, amor, sanación solidaridad y trabajo para mis hermanos "Los olvidados"

      Agustina Acuña 

      Perú, 6 Enero 2024.

Maria Fajardo Cajamarca 

 "Brazos ¡Abiertos para abrazar!

© 2024 Copyright Ⓡ

ೃ⁀➷  Mi alma 

Brillando como diamante

en mi cielo de sueños mi alma te abraza

pues cada día tu amor me enlaza.

El amor es la fuerza que nos hace felices,

el amor es la fuerza que nos hace sufrir

el destino lo es todo, mis brazos … ¡Abiertos para abrazarte!

Alma, vida y corazón

abrázame siempre con pasión

no deseo una nueva decepción

a tí aferro mi corazón.

Te abraza mi vida, te abraza mi alma

abrazo mi almohada en la que estuviste acostada

llegaste a mi vida en forma inesperada

ahora en mi corazón como joya preciada.


Ana María Mendiola Cano 

Llegaste a mi vida, 

tan chiquita, llenaste el vacío,

de mi entristecido corazón.

Te eduqué a mi manera,

con cariño te hice obediente,

Jugaste tus tiempos,

con macuco y Susy,

Subiendo y bajando escaleras, 

cansancio no existía en tu cuerpo juvenil.

Pastora de polluelos,

los cuidabas de los terribles gatos.

Bailamos una salsa que tanto te gustaba,

Cuidabas de los chicos,

me cuidabas de los extraños.

Mirabas al infinito como si alguien te llamara,

jugabas con abejas ladrando,

las alejabas.

Te dormías en mi regaso,

cada tarde de descanso.

Me pedías tus galletas,

señalando con una pata.

Lamias mi rostro, 

cuándo me veías llegar,

saltando de alegría.

Hoy, lloro tu partida, 

dejando un vacío con tu ausencia.

Te extraño Perlita, querida amiga

compañera mía.

 Mária Gál galma




Az én életemben már nincsenek tavaszok,

de van ősz és tél, mely lágyan simogat,

nyílik még virág magas hegyek ormán,

bólogat felém a havasi gyopár.


Emlékek, álmok életre kelnek,

gyönyörködve, csendben, múltba repítenek,

szép volt az élet, leírtam százszor,

ha sötét arcát mutatta, már azt sem bánom.


Hiszem, sorsom, mit eddig megéltem,

formált emberré, kísérte léptem,

nem nézem idő múlását, hisz az végtelen,

nem vesz el semmit, láttatja tükrömet.


De lelkem kutatja az újat, a szépet, mert élni akar,

szárnyait széttárva repül a magasba, 

hol,  lágy felhők szállnak, hirdetve világnak,

élni jó akkor is, ha csodák már nem várnak.

 Author: Iudita Mirea 

Title: Wonderful craziness 

Some creatures whidouth  hearts,

are thinking that they are mortal spiders,

but maybe they are just inofensive butterflies.

So doesn't matter how much they try,

one day the circle of life will make them pay,

because life is made for everyone in the planet.

Flowers, just like the green clouds,

can see the sky and on the earth a sit find,

looking forward to the light of the same stars.

Just spiking with the endless time,

bubbles of leafs and trees becomes briliant,

nether me, nor you, will have eternal lucky free.

Date: 06/01/2025

Country: Romania 

Pseudonim: Paseando entre colores 

( A.R.R.A.)

Picture by Staci Modisette 🪷 🕊️


DATA: 04/ 01




Em cada momento somente te amo. 

E em cada olhar ao horizonte quero te encontrar. 

Com  o anoitecer olho para o céu procuro-te .

Em cada estrela vejo teu sorriso. 

Espero um  sinal,talvez ele apareça. 

Amo -te ! Sei que em algum lugar você está. 

No anoitecer  ,vejo te como uma brisa leve...

Assim sei que é verdadeiro, você existe. 

A sua presença é real, 

A distância dói 

Porém ainda espero-te

E meu coração não sofre ,porém tenho certeza. 

Perdão amo sem palavras...

Não sei onde escontra-lo 

Somente quero sentir teu calor. 

Em teus braços saciar meus desejos. 

Sei que vou encontrar em um lugar mágico. 

Ali saciarei meu amor contigo  

Amor que não morrerá...Será sempre meu amor perfeito. 

Glória Pereira. 

Direitos autorais reservados Autora/Escritora.

© Ms. Til Kumari Sharma

 Glory of My Life:

 Earlier I was in grave.

 I was sleeping there.

 Later I awoke and knew that the people had joked to my wound.

 Trey made me mad.

 They told me psycho.

 Really I was in unconscious ness to know them.

 Later I awoke from grave.

 There they enjoyed to my pain and headache.

 They dominated me.

Later I slowly composed my genuine consciousness.

 I composed my ethical humanism and life glory.

 Then I rose above with my beauty of creativity.

I am the artist of glory.

 I am positive to every body with ethical creativity.

 I thought to be with humanism is my huge religion.

 I use to love human ethics and existence.  

I love my pure glory of art.

 With artistic medicine, I stood as feministic glory.

In feministic purity, I created ethical philosophy from my name.

 It certainly makes everybody' s home and unites family.

 That genuine art glorifies me as hero of good doings in the world.

© Ms. Til Kumari Sharma

Paiyun 7- Hile

 Parbat, Gandaki West Nepal

 Now Kathmandu, Kirtipur

Sunday, January 5, 2025

 Ying Chieh Huang(黄颖捷)

Politics is not about letting humans die in war on earth.

  Politics is about enabling human beings to live and work in peace and contentment on earth.



Here is the "One Earth One Family" development website.


The Draft of World Constitution 2024

The significance of contemporary politics is not to allow human beings to trigger wars on the earth due to political power struggles, and to cause human beings to be devastated on the earth.  The contemporary political significance is to allow human beings to have reasonable autonomy in life on the earth, and to live and work on the earth in peace and contentment.


敬告親愛的網友,若想取得更多黃頴㨗創新全球政治制度資訊,或其他關鍵字資訊,你可運用 Google輸入黃頴㨗或黃穎捷或Huang Ying Chieh或Ying Chieh Huang以及相關關鍵字交叉搜尋,你可找到我的更多的影音或網頁文章供参。謝謝大家!祝福大家!

Dear netizens, if you want to get more information about 黃頴㨗Ying Chieh Huang 's innovative global political system, or other keyword information, you can use Google to enter 黃頴㨗 or 黃穎捷  or Huang Ying Chieh or Ying Chieh Huang and cross-search with related keywords. You can find more  videos or web articles for reference.  Thank you all!  Blessings to all!

台灣黃頴㨗(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh )Huang Ying Chieh ( 1951) Ying Chieh Huang Taiwan

Dear netizens, hello everyone!


Because the purpose of this website is to spread the "World Integrated Administrative Thought" and "Global Democratic Constitutional Republic and Cosmopolitanism" without war and enemies to rationalize the world constitution, jointly construct the "Earth Peace and Unification Management Committee", and jointly construct the world government system , global republic, co-governance, coexistence, co-prosperity, mutual benefit and win-win.  Leading mankind towards a war-free world on earth, where everyone has the autonomy to rationalize their lives and live and work in peace and contentment.  Therefore, there are many international calls and I cannot receive them all.  Therefore, I cannot receive all direct international calls one by one. If you have anything to talk to me, please leave a message first. Thank you!


由於本網頁的宗旨,是在傳播無戰爭、無敵人的‘世界整合行政思想’、‘全球民主憲政共和世界主義’以合理化世界憲法,共構‘ 地球和平統一管理委員會 ’,共構世界政府體系,全球共和、共治、共存、共榮,互利、共贏。引領人類在地球上邁入無戰爭,☆人人擁有合理化生活自主權,安居樂業的生活。因此所有的國際電話很多,来电本人都無法一一接收。所以一切直接國際電話,本人無法一一接收,您有事找我談話,請先信息留言,謝謝大家!

 "World Integrated Administrative Thought" advocates invincibility in the world

 The promoters of the "World Integrated Administrative Thought" must grasp the limited life and let the "World Integrated Administrative Thought" carry forward, hoping to make the earth humans move towards the peaceful development of the real world, so as to resolve the crisis of human existence on the earth and live and work in peace and contentment.

W.I.A. is the virtual network communication organization of the "World Integrated Administrative Thought Research and Promotion Association" founded by 黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh ) decades ago.  Those who agree with W.I.A.'s political ideology are all automatic warrior members of W.I.A.  W.I.A. fighters have no enemies in their hearts, and are based on the elimination of all historical hatred among human beings. They mainly rely on morality, tolerance, fraternity, mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, fairness and justice to reverse the survival crisis of the human race on the earth.

    W.I.A. members must take the initiative to use their own resources and resources to convince all contemporary nationalist fighters to break out of the chains of nationalist and racist struggles and upgrade their political thinking to 'World Integrated Administrative Thought Global Democratic Constitutional Republic Cosmopolitanism' , with the idea of ​​"one earth, one family" as a global political system, allows all relevant territorial, sovereignty and human rights disputes among all human groups around the world to disappear immediately.

    Global political entities must respect each other's different political ideologies with 'World Integrated Administrative Thought’、‘ Global Democratic Constitutional Republic Cosmopolitanism', lock in the current global political situation, liberate the United Nations, and jointly build a global unified collective leadership command center and organize together' The Earth Peace and Unification Management Committee' jointly drafts a rationalized world constitution, jointly builds a rationalized world government system, implements effective global governance policies, and maintains a life on earth where humans on earth can live and work in peace and contentment without war.

W.I.A. 是我黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh ),幾十年前所創構的‘世界整合行政思想研究推進會’虛擬網路傳播組織。對W I.A.政治思想的認同者,皆為W.I.A.的自動戰士成員。W.I.A.鬥士們,心中無敵人,以消除一切人類間歷史仇恨為根基,主要以道義、寬容、博愛、互尊、互信、互相理解、互助、公平正義,以扭轉人類族群在地球上的生存危機。



 WIA plans to invite more scholars, experts, politicians, and social activists who love innovative international politics to enter this FB webspage.

 I wish you peace and happiness!  Life is good!

 God bless you!  

Here is the exclusive website of the Global World Integration Administrative Thought “Global Democratic Constitutional Republican  Cosmopolitanism"Worldist Forum.

 It is mainly to discuss the establishment of the "Earth Political Entity Committee" by the global human race, the establishment of the "World Constitution", and the establishment of "Global Democratic Constitutional Republican Cosmopolitanism" of the "World Government System", a website for human beings to pursue true world peace.


在此我也呼籲全球的朋友,如果您對"世界整合行政思想"的機制有興趣,我邀請您主動加入我的fb網頁的好友名額, 讓我們共同為人類在地球邁向真正世界和平的境界努力奮鬥, 謝謝大家!

Global friends who are not interested in "World Integration Administrative Thought", please take the initiative to leave the fb friendship on this website, thank you!

  Hereby to my friends all over the world, thank you all! Bless you all! Peace and joy!

 Let us move towards a truly peaceful human world. Come on, everyone!

 Here I also call on friends from all over the world. If you are interested in the mechanism of "World Integrated Administrative Thought", I invite you to actively join my friends on the fb page, and let us work together for mankind to move towards a real world peace on the earth.  Work hard, thank you everyone!

Construction of the Earth Management Committee World Constitution and The World Integration Administration The World Government System Concepts and Actions.


With positive energy, stir the world.

Stir the world with positive energy truth.


How to transform the thinking of global political leaders to roll the wheel of the era.


We will be born with a platform for global political leaders not just to be equal, but also a global political leadership camp for learning organizations.


The earth needs to formally create a global political peacemaker and affairs organization.


Inviting leaders of global political entities to visit


Invite scholars and experts around the world to make a fuss


The Draft of World Constitution 2024

In the establishment of the world government, which political entity leader launched the assembly soon? Will enter the history of the world into a world giant.

在世界政府的建立 ,哪位政治實體領導人捷足登先發動集結?將登入世界青史成為世界偉人。

In modern times, effectively changing the thinking of a leader of a political entity, as long as it is molded in a harmonious environment and has a set of positive logical truths, does not require the use of force, only use peace talks. There is a way to achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence and common prosperity for mankind.


In fact, as long as an international political leader who fully understands the truth of world peace, persuades the leaders of more than a few hundred political entities around the world to engage in in-depth communication and exchange talks to convince, the whole world can be changed greatly.

其實只要一個完全理解世界和平真理的國際政治領導人, 針對全球數百多位政治實體領導人,進行深度溝通交流會談說服,就可以把整個世界大翻轉地大改變。

Are you a leader of a great political entity who can afford to let go?

If there is a change in the global force that will be dictated by the future Earth Management Committee, will there be chaos in the world?


如果全球的武力改由未來的地球管理委員會來發號施令, 那世界還會有亂源嗎?

Don't just watch the show, but also stand up and act.


If we can properly transform the United Nations into an Earth Management Committee, is it more beneficial to the global human race?


This document should be sent to the UN Security Council. We must study it and discuss it.


Hatred is endless.

Come and think backward!



Never let anyone die and think in reverse how you can help him survive. Which kind of reverse thinking is the most advantageous?

絕對不要致人於死地,要反過來想如何幫助他生存下去。 這樣的逆向思考,哪一種是最有利的呢?

Why did you always go to a blind alley? Change the direction of the angle will be bright!

為什麼一直要往死胡同走? 換個角度方向就柳暗花明!

A cross-strait family?

Global to a family!

One world, one family!

兩岸一家親 ?



In the future, leaders of global political entities will be able to hold equal exchanges. What they are talking about will be not only the interests of political entities, but the common interests of the global humanity. That is, how to establish the Earth Management Committee and construct a world government system for world integration administration to work together for the development of the common interests of the global human being.

未來全球政治實體領袖,平起平坐交流,所談論的,將不只政治實體之間的利益,而是全球人類共同的利益。也就是,如何成立地球管理委員會, 建構世界整合行政的世界政府體系, 共謀全球人類共同利益發展。

Earth's human beings become a big family and they can coordinate and make the earth's resources sustainable.

Otherwise, the earth's environment will deteriorate and become a purgatory on earth.



Sitting in a high position with potential for development, but only cherishing positions, scrounging and stealing lives, is not far-sighted and hard work, and it cannot do the right thing. The so-called wrong policies are even more terrible than corruption. This is not a glorious life.

坐在有發展潛力的高度位置,但只眷戀職位,苟且偷生,不高瞻遠屬努力奮鬥, 而且無法做對的事, 所謂錯誤的政策比貪污還可怕 , 這樣並不是光榮的人生。

What is the regional autonomy?

What is the global governance?


什麼事該全球治理 ?

 The Earth Management Committee and the World Government's World Integrated Administrative System can also be established overnight, at an appropriate time.

地球管理委員會,世界政府世界整合行政體系,也可以在適當的時機 ,一夕間,被成立。

The waste of earth resources caused by the fight against humanity will disappear.


Traditional nationalism, national barriers, must be liberated and broken to achieve cosmopolitanism, the global government of the global family.


The ideas of global political leaders can be transformed, changed, and transformed through information exchanges, in-depth exchanges, dialogues, and dissemination of education, thus contributing to a major shift in political decision-making.


There are positive and negative energy in the environment and it is inevitable.

But you must cultivate your golden bell, remove negative energy, and work hard with positive energy.



If one's heart is at his death's end, if he is hungry for his skin, if he is emptied of his own body, and if he breaks the line, then the Tao will become.


The leaders of the 245 political entities in the world have sincerely communicated and communicated.


We must assemble key figures with strength to begin the operation of the leaders of global political entities and sit on an equal footing to discuss the future construction of the global government operating system of the Earth Management Committee.


Finding earth heroes who are great for peace and coexistence and prosperity.


How do you make people excited and rewarded? You must really grasp the essence of truth, work hard to spread it, and let the truth combine key people, places, times, and things, and develop the value and benefits of the truth.


Really grasp the essence of truth, Bold and careful, combined with key people, places, times, things, strategic layout,Step by step, step by step, and go forward, the dream can come true.


We must build a leader camp of a learning organization of global political leaders with great courage, and it is possible to transform it into a place of office for Future World Integration Administration World government . It became the seat of the ball management committee, which became the global political capital.


Become the focus of attention of the global humanity, become a pilgrimage site for global humanity, and become a pilgrimage center for global human economic and political tourism. Become the center of real earth prosperity and development.


One world one family.

Will there be sovereign or independent independence or a dispute over political territorial disputes?

One world one family 。


The global humanity has already demonstrated the trend of integration and integration of great reconciliation and integration. The time has come. You can make the world's humanity move toward true world peace as long as you are at your doorstep.

全球人類已呈現大和解大融合的統合整合趨勢, 時機已至,您只要臨門一腳,即可讓全球人類邁向真正的世界和平,流芳萬古。

Let your world invincible hand, Peace of mind.


Let the leaders of global political entities gather, set up a conference of global political entities, set up a global management committee, and construct a system of world-integrated administrative world governments. 


The greatest and best of all worlds


The only way to secure the political entities of the world’s countries is the invincible way.


When the "Earth Management Committee" was established, the "Global Governance Policy" of the "World Integrated Administrative World Government" operating system will effectively solve the global environmental crisis, adjust the earth's resources, and continue to operate in a continuous and cyclical manner.

Global political leaders must take a serious look at the potential crisis of humanity on Earth and it is constantly accumulating. We can't let the boiled frog effect happen, we must carry out the necessary pre-emptive "global joint" political governance.

Human beings, like the democratic and free human rights, need to be defined in the same environment of sustainable coexistence and coexistence throughout the world.

International political leaders, in addition to the style of struggle, are the blessings of humanity around the world.

For the peaceful coexistence and common prosperity of mankind around the world, human beings must obey a common game rule before they can do it. Otherwise, everyone will have to live in the jungle.

The average human being, the common people, the heavenly emperor is far away, who manages the human crisis in the earth. Only the leaders of global political entities must shoulder their responsibilities and face up to the development of humanity, perseverance, peace, coexistence and common prosperity.

The traditional revolution must be bloodshed. In modern times, the big revolution can be achieved without bloodshed, and in the end it will succeed. Look at the matter, sooner or later.

All the sects in the world are the messengers of the universe, the creator of all things, the universe, the creator of everything, the co-owner of the universe.

Therefore, the various factions in the world can only cooperate and cannot fight. If you fight, you will violate the status of being the messenger of the Creator.

When the "Global Political Entity Conference" and the "Earth Management Committee" were established, individual political entities could not be independent of the entire planet. The war or civil war between political entities in the country will disappear.

The transformation of plant organisms begins with the transformation of the roots of the tree roots, the roots of the roots.

The transformation of various political entities is also started by the major transformation of the United Nations. As long as the United Nations is undergoing major transformation, various political entities will be automatically transformed. Therefore, the focus of the Human Revolution today is to touch the major transformation of the United Nations.

In those days, the President of the United States was able to lead the world's output "National League" and reform the "National League" into the United Nations.

Today, what kind of great world leader can once again assist the global human race, transform the United Nations, and transform the "world-integrated administrative world government system" led by the human collective wisdom of building a sustainable, coexisting and co-prosperous development?

Expanding the regional political revolutionary goal to the goal of a global United Nations bloodless revolution will produce the goal of both fish and bear's paw.

The high, low, far, near, wide, and narrow visions of the eyes, the ideas that are seen at different angles, the results that are presented, the results obtained, are naturally different.

 We need global political leaders to stand on the perspective of high and broad positions to deal with international political issues and enter the "global governance era" of the "Earth Management Committee" as soon as possible.


If your eyes only fight for the people of individual political entities, then other political entities on Earth will become your enemy.

If your vision is to fight for the people of the entire geopolitical entity, then you will have no enemies on Earth.

Everyone who comes to this world is closely related to the world.

Therefore, everyone only has to integrate into the world, and must have certain rules. This law allows the earth to survive and renew.

The living environment of this world must be sustainable. Therefore, human integration into the world must be regulated. This norm must enable this global environment to survive.

Therefore, human beings cannot destroy the natural laws of nature in the earth. Therefore, the survival of human beings on this earth must be regulated. It is necessary to have certain rules of survival. Violation of this game rule, you are the sinner of the global environment, must be dealt with by global governance policies.

In this way, the survival under the principle of endless life without destroying the entire global environment is our life, and it is our life that lives on the earth.

Therefore, human beings living on the earth must have a certain law of life development, not an infinitely high level of freedom, or a so-called "human rights" infinitely.

Therefore, the human beings of this earth must come to such a living environment and must establish a "world constitution". They must create a "global political entity conference" with the collective wisdom of human beings, and must establish a "world-wide integrated administrative world government" operating system to enable human survival. In this earth, we maintain the natural operation of the earth, and live a peaceful and coexisting coexistence and common prosperity.

We must turn the United Nations into the highest power political leadership of the Earth, not just an international exchange platform.

Prepare for the rain? Far water to save the fire?

Do we need to put the humanity of the earth into an extreme crisis before we construct the "Earth Management Committee" "world integrated administrative world government system"?

The global human beings must share common ground and seek common ground, mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual understanding, mutual coexistence and common prosperity, and are the best choice for human beings around the world.

When a brand's life cycle has entered the aging death period, don't fall in love again, and quickly innovate brand development. Otherwise the entire enterprise is dying. The same is true for the brand including the United Nations.

At present, international political leaders have a lot of room for improvement in the decision-making of the whole world. It is a blessing for mankind to work hard to plan do check action.

Is the United Nations the collective leadership of mankind?

What will happen to the earth without human collective leadership?

 Does Earth need a collective leadership center?

 How can human beings construct at the collective center of the earth?

Global political entity diplomacy must be promoted to the level of construction and communication of the Earth Management Committee.

 Don't stay in the diplomatic level of exchange of interests between political entities forever. That is the realm of the sustainable development of human coexistence and common prosperity.

 When every political entity in the world seeks the interests of national political entities, how can there be world peace?

When someone uses chemical weapons, some die from chemical weapons, some retaliate against chemical weapons using missiles, and some use anti-missile systems to fight missile attacks. There are political entities against political entities, governments slaughtering people, and people fighting the government.

Where is the operational structure of the United Nations? When is the human struggle, when is the report? Do humans need such a life? What is the best solution?

In the world of fairness and justice, people who stand at the commanding heights of politics have no right to selfishness.

The Draft of World Constitution 2024



人類在整個地球永續和平共存共榮的環境下, 鬥爭跟民主自由人權一樣,都是需要被定義的。

國際政治領導人,除鬥爭化的風格修練 ,是全球人類的福氣。

為全球人類和平永續共存共榮發展,人類必須服從一種共同的遊戲規則,才能辦得到, 否則大家只好生活在叢林中了。


傳統的革命是必須流血的。在現代,不流血就可以大革命, 而且最後一定會成功。看本事 ,遲早而已。




改造植物有機體的發展,由樹頭即樹根的土壤的根基的改造做起 。

改造各個政治實體同樣由聯合國大改造做起。只要聯合國大改造,各個政治實體也就自動被改造。所以今日人類 大革命的重點是在於觸動聯合國的大改造。


今日,有哪個偉大的世界領袖,能再度協助全球人類, 改造聯合國, 蛻變建立永續和平共存共榮發展的人類集體智慧領導的”世界整合行政世界政府體系”呢?



 我們需要全球政治領導人,站在高遠寬長的定位角度,來處理國際政治事宜, 盡快進入"地球管理委員會"的共同治理的"全球治理時代"。


如果你的眼光只為個別政治實體人民戰鬥 ,那地球其他政治實體將變成你的敵人。


每一個人來到這個世界,就與世界一草一木 息息相關 。

因此每個人只有融入這個世界,並必須有一定的規律,這個規律讓地球能夠生生不息永續循環 。


所以人類在地球不能破壞自然界的生生不息的定律,因此人類在這個地球的生存是必須被規範 ,是必須有一定的生存遊戲規則。違反了這個遊戲規則,你就是地球環境生生不息的罪人 ,須被全球治理政策處置 。

這樣以不破壞整個地球環境的生生不息原則下的生存 ,才是我們的人生 ,才是屬於我們在地球生存的人生 。

所以人類在地球生存,必須是有一定規律的生活發展律則, 而不是無限上綱的自由,或者是所謂的無限上綱的“人權”。

因此這個地球人類來到這樣的生存環境,必須建立一種“世界憲法”, 必須以人類集體智慧創構"全球政治實體大會",必須建立”世界界整合行政世界政府”運作體系,讓人類的生存在這個地球維持地球的自然運轉,過著和平永續共存共榮發展。

我們必須把聯合國蛻變成為地球人類最高權力政治領導機關 ,而不只是國際交流平台。

未雨綢繆?遠水救近火 ?



當一個品牌的生命週期,已經邁入衰老死亡期,就不要再留戀,趕快創新品牌發展 。否則整個企業就是滅亡。包括聯合國這個品牌也是一樣。

當前國際政治領袖在整個世界格局的思維決策,還有很多改善空間,必須努力去 plan do check action ,才是人類之福。

聯合國是人類的集體統一領導中心嗎 ?





 不要永遠還留在政治實體間利益交換外交層次 ,那是無法達到全球人類永續和平共存共榮發展的境界。

 全球每個政治實體都只在求取國家政治實體利益時, 哪會有世界和平呢?

當有人使用化學武器,有人死於化學武器,有人報復化學武器使用飛彈,有人使用防飛彈系統對抗飛彈攻擊。有政治實體對抗政治實體,有政府屠殺人民,有人民對抗政府 。


在公平正義的善樂世界, 站在政治的制高點的人,是沒有自私的權利的。

The Draft of World Constitution 2024


 This is a platform for innovative international political and intellectual exchanges.

 Global elites are welcome to come to exchange guidance.

The World Integrated Administrative Thought International Research Promotion Conference (W.I.A.)

 Founder: Ying Chieh Huang (黄 頴 㨗)

 Establishing purpose: One earth, one family.  Promote the integration of 244 political entities around the world to transform the United Nations into a reasonable world government system with "World Integrated Administrative Thought, Global Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Cosmopolitanism", formulate decisions and implement effective global governance policies.  Let human beings on the planet move towards "real world peace" and coexistence and common prosperity.

 W.I.A. Headquarters: Taiwan

 Members: Global followers, approvers, promoters, fighters, volunteers who agree with the "World Integrated Administrative Thought".


 1.世界憲法草案 2024(繁體中文版)

2. 世界憲法草案(簡體字版)

3.  英文版本。English version.

The Draft of World Constitution 2024





黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh )









World public opinion on justice in the contemporary world must be reshaped.

黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh )

 The rational human elite of the world should have obligations and responsibilities on earth.

 Let everyone in the world have reasonable autonomy in life from birth and live and work in peace and contentment on the earth.

 When contemporary politicians play politics, they must respect the rational life autonomy of human beings on earth.

 A public system that rationalizes the autonomy of human life on earth must be established.

 Human beings are born on earth, not as slaves to political hegemons.

 The significance of contemporary politics is to allow everyone to have rational autonomy in life on earth.

 This is the true glory of a politician.

 Contemporary politicians who violate the definition of contemporary politics are political demons who will be spurned by humans on earth and will be infamy in human history for thousands of years.

Here is the "One Earth One Family" development website.


The significance of contemporary politics is not to allow human beings to trigger wars on the earth due to political power struggles, and to cause human beings to be devastated on the earth.  The contemporary political significance is to allow human beings to have reasonable autonomy in life on the earth, and to live and work on the earth in peace and contentment.


台灣黃頴㨗(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh )Huang Ying Chieh ( 1951) Ying Chieh Huang Taiwan

The earth needs to formally create a global political peacemaker and affairs organization.


The global humanity has already demonstrated the trend of integration and integration of great reconciliation and integration. The time has come. You can make the world's humanity move toward true world peace as long as you are at your doorstep.

全球人類已呈現大和解大融合的統合整合趨勢, 時機已至,您只要臨門一腳,即可讓全球人類邁向真正的世界和平,流芳萬古。

Let your world invincible hand, Peace of mind.


Let the leaders of global political entities gather, set up a conference of global political entities, set up a global management committee, and construct a system of world-integrated administrative world governments. 


Global political leaders, if you are smart, let the global human race love and respect you.  Instead of letting the global human race hate you and spurn you.


Don't let history record your evil deeds.  Let history record your glory.


Living beings are chained to the universe.  

The way of coexistence among living beings.  

Have you been reasonably liberated in this world?  Are they being reasonably controlled? 

 The way living beings should survive and coexist in the universe.





The Draft of World Constitution 2024


 This is a platform for innovative international political and intellectual exchanges.

 Global elites are welcome to come to exchange guidance.

The World Integrated Administrative Thought International Research Promotion Conference (W.I.A.)

 Founder: Ying Chieh Huang (黄 頴 㨗)

 Establishing purpose: One earth, one family.  Promote the integration of 244 political entities around the world to transform the United Nations into a reasonable world government system with "World Integrated Administrative Thought, Global Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Cosmopolitanism", formulate decisions and implement effective global governance policies.  Let human beings on the planet move towards "real world peace" and coexistence and common prosperity.

 W.I.A. Headquarters: Taiwan

 Members: Global followers, approvers, promoters, fighters, volunteers who agree with the "World Integrated Administrative Thought".


 1.世界憲法草案 2024(繁體中文版)

2. 世界憲法草案(簡體字版)

3.  英文版本。English version.

The Draft of World Constitution 2024

4. 法文版本。French version.Version française.

5. 俄文版本。

6. 西班牙文版本。 Spanish version.

Versión en español.




 Dr. Ashok Kumar

I'm an Ocean in a Drop

From the garden of Alpine, I'm born here to shine

A drop of love, a spark divine

I'm an ocean in a drop, a world within me

A universe of hope, a heart that beats free

In this garden of dreams, I've grown and flourished

A flower of peace, a song of love nourished

My petals are the colors of the rainbow's hue

My fragrance is the scent of love, pure and true

I'm an ocean in a drop, a microcosm of life

A reflection of the beauty, the strife

I'm a drop of water, a tear of joy and pain

A symbol of the human heart, with all its love and strain

From the garden of Alpine, I shine so bright

A beacon of hope, a light in the dark of night

I'm an ocean in a drop, a world of love and peace

A garden of dreams, where humanity's heart finds release.


January 06 ,2024 

Dr. Ashok Kumar

International Peace Activist

Baraut, Baghpat, UP, India


Aly Berd 


Hasta que llegue alguien, que te entienda el pensamiento, que te acompañe en el sentimiento.

Que te quiera bien, y cuando estés mal también.

A solas, hasta que se haga poesía lo que ayer fue puro cuento.

A solas, a favor del viento, contra la marea.

Hasta que alguien sonría cada vez que te vea, y tenga tiempo para la risa fuerte, para el beso lento.

A solas, hasta que suceda, y al fin te admiren tal cual seas.

Donde siempre puedas. Donde no pierdas las ganas, donde no encuentres cadenas.

A solas, hasta que no sean solo palabras, hasta que corra el amor por las venas, hasta que corra el sueño por las penas. 

A solas, sin miedo a la soledad.

Porque todo llega para quien se la juega de verdad.

A solas, hasta que llegue alguien que merezca tanta felicidad."A SOLAS, HASTA QUE SEA EL MOMENTO".

Hasta que llegue alguien, que te entienda el pensamiento, que te acompañe en el sentimiento.

Que te quiera bien, y cuando estés mal también.

A solas, hasta que se haga poesía lo que ayer fue puro cuento.

A solas, a favor del viento, contra la marea.

Hasta que alguien sonría cada vez que te vea, y tenga tiempo para la risa fuerte, para el beso lento.

A solas, hasta que suceda, y al fin te admiren tal cual seas.

Donde siempre puedas. Donde no pierdas las ganas, donde no encuentres cadenas.

A solas, hasta que no sean solo palabras, hasta que corra el amor por las venas, hasta que corra el sueño por las penas. 

A solas, sin miedo a la soledad.

Porque todo llega para quien se la juega de verdad.

A solas, hasta que llegue alguien que merezca tanta felicidad.

 Excelente día de reposo!!!

Autora: Dra, Janeth Elizarraraz.


Hay momentos en la vida

en quedo tú 

tienes que elegir 

el camino a seguir;

fluye libremente

sin dejar de desistir;

la vida es un regalo 

que tú elegiste al venir;

ya que solo los Guerreros

llegan aquí.

Sé fuerte en tus batallas 

en tu viaje existencial,

vive plenamente

nunca te permitas huir.

Enfrenta tus batallas

con valentía y sé feliz.

Libro: Fragancia Sesen.

Página 83.

Autora: Dra, Janeth Elizarraraz.

TeT-AHa 「pnuaH


 Іде в дорогу сонячний просвіт.

 У світ…

 Друкує час сторінку гречно.

 У миті стічні…

 Я впоперек себе малюю тіні.

 Привиддя стало золотим,

 Реальність сіра…

Встигни сказати.

Годинник сам собі у собі суть,

 Година на порозі.

 Глабеме в кожного – 

Безпечний клич

 До праведного Ока.

Ми в морзі, а чи у змозі?

А потім всі у собі мруть,

 Мовчання – гірше із мороків…

Стоси у стосі стосів…

 Мовчання нищить, спопеляє.

 Хоч главу попелом посип.

 Мине життя,  душа сконає,

Не заговориш –то й святий Архип

 Твого буття не заладнає.

Fatima Maaouia

Fille d'une je ne sais quel

Arbre qui veut montrer au ciel 

Le sel  de son esprit

Et les fruits de ses entrailles 

Que sur terre on mitraille

De quel cri  terrestre Essentielle  

Tu dois être 

Pour être 

Germe de tout être 

Sans maître 

Souveraine enzyme 

De dune en dune

Fille d'un tel CRI

Vérité ancienne et vieille

Qu'on décrie et aveugle 

Un cri TEL

De cri en cri Unis

Dans la  durée 

Sourd du silence et de la nuit 

De tous les cris de Vie

De saison en saison 


De génération en génération 

Vaporisant souffle, frisson


Ô, nuit, 

Hymne !

L'ignorer est un crime

Fatima Maaouia

Gordana Saric 


I would like my poetry to be a prayer for peace and love
dashing and elegant full of inner glow
to radiate the breath of an angel with an aura of purity
and the warmth of it unites yearning hearts. 

I want it to be magical soul music
a beacon of timeless love,
source of tenderness and blissful blinks,
creator of a world where goodness is celebrated.

To be enchanted with the breath of heaven
full of spring, dreams and light,
to be woven from eternal longings and desires
shining on the luminous throne of tenderness.

I would like the poem whose breath I breathe
leave my name among the stars
to exist as a blessing from God
and forever shines with the flame of love.

 Un silencio me habla 

Dr. José Luis López

Puerto Rico 


Anoche llegó un sonido muy peculiar 

que hizo temblar mi espíritu debilitado 

Y, aunque no supe cómo actuar, lo escuché 

De inmediato, me percaté que era mi SEÑOR

fue un zumbido arropado en dulce sabor 

Y, sé que me dijo: ¡NO TEMAS QUE ESTOY AHÍ¡

Yo nunca hice acción de temer pues no sentía 

Lo que me hiciera extraño fue su silencio 

Así permito que se expresara con libertad 

Él sabe cómo soy y seré siempre como él desea 

Porque nadie tiene poder sobre nada 

Si lo tiene, tampoco hay autorización 

Ése silencio se volvió una pieza de vida 

Del cual me lleva dónde ése quiere que vaya 

Un silencio me habla 

Una voz que se encarna para mi esencia 

Una presencia indisoluble, una fuerza incorruptible 

Un silencio me habla 

Me confirma lo que pienso asertivo 

Me reafirmar todo aquello escondido 

Me certifica lo digno de respeto que soy

Un silencio me habla 

Siempre habrá un acto de humanidad 

Siempre seré reverente ante la majestad 

Siempre acatar su trabajo y glorificarle

Un silencio me habla 

Todo tiempo estará disponible y dispuesto 

Él es yo, yo soy él 


Chalo Rodriguez Burgos (Chalo

Rodriguez Burgos)

 ¿Cuántas personas pueden decir que son parte de otras?

Habitas en cada uno de nosotros. Desde el momento en que sentíamos que tu llave entraba en la cerradura de la puerta de la casa, era la señal de alerta, todos exclamamos: “¡Ya llega papá!”. En ese instante, comienza la desbandada: unos corren a sus cuartos para terminar de arreglarlo, otros se apresuran a la cocina o a recoger alguna escoba o ropa fuera de lugar. Sin embargo, siempre había uno que no corría (ya había perdido toda esperanza); sabía que no podría escapar de la justicia doméstica. Pero, también estaba ese otro sonido: el de unos pasos firmes y seguros, que traían consigo una sombra inmensa, cargada de una profunda alegría. Esa sombra anunciaba tu llegada, papá. Ese ser inmenso, como un árbol majestuoso, cuya benéfica sombra lo envuelve todo. El que lo sabe y lo puede arreglar todo.

Papi eres como un árbol lleno de fortaleza, has extendido tus raíces en el tiempo y en el espacio de muchas vidas, llevando tu savia y majestad. Eres un símbolo de fuerza y protección, que nos guía y nos llena de orgullo.

Hoy, los arcanos vientos han ido arrancando las hojas de tu enérgica juventud, dejando paso a tu inmensa y serena sabiduría. Esa brillantez, ralentizada, nos permite recibir el resplandor de tu experiencia en cada octava que tus inacabables manos acarician y se deslizan sobre las teclas blancas y negras. “El toque”, ese toque que te distingue y singulariza, resuena en nuestras almas como la armonía que marca el pulso de nuestras vidas. Es el compás con el que tu legado se esparce, como una diáspora, desde el instante en que decidiste dejar tu puerto para abrazar otros hermosos espacios del país.

Eres un padre ejemplar, fuiste un dilecto esposo, un soberbio abuelo y un entrañable bisabuelo que todo lo permite. Yo te saludo, viejo amigo, por tus sabias enseñanzas, por tu incondicional apoyo cuando caía y, porque tu sola mirada siempre fue el estímulo para levantarme y seguir. 

Esa alegría que destilas cuando te sientas frente a un piano te da esa mayéstica figura y prosapia que enorgullece a tu linaje. Las notas de tus arpegios están grabadas en cada surco de nuestros recuerdos y ese bendito compás que imprimiste a nuestras vidas, jamás se irá como símbolo de una generación que ponía en relieve el respeto a los mayores, el trato cortés y caballeroso hacia las damas, la protección a los niños y el imperecedero deseo de avanzar en la búsqueda de nuevos horizontes. Así, como cuando terminabas de interpretar alguna palpitante melodía, con la elegancia que te caracteriza y ese ritmo que tu cuerpo gustaba en expresar, las partituras de tu vida han ido pasando, dejando estelas del deleite que tienes al posar tus manos sobre el marfil y ébano de tu piano. 

Que tu abrazo de hoy, que cumples 95 años, siga dándonos ese calor que potencia y revitaliza, junto a esa profunda mirada que tanto ha visto y que nunca deja de enseñar.

 In The #Depths of #Night

#Sufi #Poet Sayeeda Sharmin

In the depths of night, when silence reigns supreme,

A celestial light descends, a sacred, radiant stream.

The heavens bow low, the earth holds its breath,

Allah, the Eternal, visits His creation’s breadth.

Beneath the veil of stars, the world lies still,

Every heart whispers His name, surrendering to His will.

Shadows dissolve as His mercy unfolds,

In this divine moment, the universe beholds.

He comes not with thunder, nor with blazing fire,

But with the whisper of love, lifting hearts higher.

The trees sway gently, the winds softly hum,

Creation in chorus cries, “The Beloved has come!”

To the weary souls, He brings endless peace,

To the broken-hearted, His love grants release.

The moon reflects His light, serene and pure,

His presence eternal, His wisdom sure.

O mankind, awake! The night is alive,

His nearness calls, let your spirit revive.

Prostrate in the quiet, let your tears flow,

For in the depths of the night, His essence will glow.

Allah, the Most Loving, the Source of all Grace,

Visits His servants in this sacred embrace.

In the still of the night, His mercy rains,

Healing the wounds, erasing all pains.

So rise, O seeker, let your soul take flight,

For Allah comes near in the depths of the night.

A moment divine, a treasure untold,

A bond with your Creator, more precious than gold.

Copyright ©️ Sufi poet Sayeeda Sharmin

 Zineta Ćehović Šahović

Ako me dotakne kap kiše 

neba tvoga, 

nići će u meni polja

 crvenih makova

 i obojiti dan 

bojama prošlosti, 

davno zaboravljene. 

Rodit će se duga

izmedju zemlje i neba 

po kojoj ću hodati 

i prkositi trenutku. 

Zineta Ćehović Šahović

Friedrichshafen, 14.012.2024.


Tống Thu Ngân 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Băng tuyết đã nghìn đời 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Mây vẫn hoài trôi trôi 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Dịu vợi một bóng người 

Thinh không là vô tận 

Khói bụi ngập chiều rơi 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Tuyết trắng đến tận cùng 

Với tay ta hái tuyệt 

Lạnh buốt cả tim hồng 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Ơn cha mẹ cao vời 

Trong tận cùng vũ trụ 

Ta vẫn yêu hai người 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Ta hái vội nhánh đời 

Thảy vào hẻm vực sâu 

Nghe thanh âm nức nở 

Xa kia là đỉnh núi 

Trùng trùng ngàn mây bay 

Nghìn năm giấc mơ dài 

Đếm từng đêm tuyết trắng...

Tống Thu Ngân@ All Rights Reserved 

January 05/ 2025

TTN 1916



MIS SILENCIOS LLEVAN TU NOMBRE (de mi 2do.Libro de poemas “El País de los Enigmas”)

                                                    ZAIDA JUÁREZ

Mis silencios llevan tu nombre

peregrino de transidos rumbos,

sostén donde ahogo mis pesares,

afluente inagotable de días grises.

Vuelvo a encontrarte

y conduces las bravías mareas

de angustiadas raíces.

Asoma tu interioridad.

Arroja el velo de la sangre,

modela esta efigie de eterna niña.

Desata tus conflictos,

juntos sintetizamos el milagro, 

Descubrirnos simbolizará la conquista.

Nunca olvides la proclama de los manes….

mis silencios llevan tu nombre.


 Mi incondicional amor a Jesucristo plasmado en este poema


                      Y REFLEJOS"      

Extraño tus soles

quebrantando mis orígenes,

La cadencia de la multitud

cercenando las sonrisas,

el sonido de ausencias

arrasando mis mañanas.

Tu.. oh Señor…

fundando mis plegarias

tu inequívoco mensaje,

ahuyentando las incertidumbres.

Tenue rubor asola la nostalgia.

Un milagro serpentea los límites

de la esperanza.

Hoy pueblas de sorpresas

las desérticas aceras.

Convocas a los niños

a cubrirse de esplendores.

Mitigas mi sed

por encontrar tu amparo.

Ahora… desbordan las palabras

en la infinitud de los silencios.

Huimos de este mundo

Hacia una desconocida alborada.


Gordana Saric 


Želim da moja poezija bude molitva za mir i ljubav

otmena, poletna puna unutrašnjeg sjaja

da odiše dahom andjela sa aurom čistote

i toplina njena  žudna srca spaja.

Želim da bude čarobna muzika duše

svetionik bezvremene ljubavi,

izvor nježnosti i blaženih treptaja,

tvorac svijeta u kome se dobrota slavi.

Da bude dahom neba opijena

puna proljeća, snova i svjetlosti,

da tkana od vječnih čežnja i želja

svijetli na blistavom tronu nježnosti.

Želim da pjesma čijim dahom dišem

medj zvijezdama moje ime ostavi

da postoji kao blagoslov božiji

i zauvijek sija plamenom ljubavi.

 Teresa Mascarenhas

.🌹Queridos amigos, hoy me siento muy emocionada de poder compartir con ustedes el poema que escribí para el concurso de poesía organizado por la Casa de Cultura de Gibraltar, en diciembre, titulado " Soledad"  y que fue seleccionado como el mejor poema en español.


lecho de agua marina

golpe de sal en la mirada

un cuenco vacío al fondo

un árbol sin aire

la tarde yerma 


con su derrumbe de pájaros 

cielo extraño que


     muda piel

hace del hombre  

animal de costumbre

escama de tiempo


a oscuras

    la única luz

            se vuelve olvido

Teresa Mascarenhas ©2024

@seguidores @destacar

 Charo Valdivia Paz-Soldan


je partage avec vous un poème commencé l'année dernière et terminé d'écrire hier... la poésie ne s'explique pas, elle se sent, je veux juste dire que j'ai été inspirée par deux Noël assez lointains...

Câlins poétiques,


Ma naissance n'est plus faite d'algarabies

d'enfants fous traçant le chemin des agneaux

ni de cris géants

opaque au soleil

ni de pleurs embarqués de pluie.

Ma naissance est maintenant sereine

me parle des sentiers justes

à la recherche de l'amour

à la recherche d'un cessez-le-feu

au Moyen-Orient et

au milieu de mon cerveau.

Ma naissance me contemple

en complicité avec l'arbre des extrêmes albos

à moitié tomber pour la danse d'un chat noir

qui caresse mon âme

quand dans mes nuits de nostalgie

Je pense à mes amours inachevées.

Dans un coin

une demi-douzaine de barbes blanches

forment un orchestre de chants de Noël célestes

qui sonneront quand je serai parti.

Guirlandes et lumières jusqu'à la folie, jusqu'à l'espoir

d'un mot, d'une ombre, d'un regard

tandis que l'Enfant attend de naître.

Ma naissance je le garde dans ma poitrine

a passé de nombreuses années à tenir le faux bonheur

Maintenant les bergers ne sont pas sortis des boîtes.

Au bord du désespoir

dans les couloirs éternellement froids de l'enceinte

ma naissance était ma mère attachée à un rêve

un Noël de plus caressant ses veines violacées que

semblaient allaient exploser de ses mains.

Dieu me fait un clin d'œil

promet un jour de plus


les petits anges jaunes se fatiguaient au sommet

et j'ai envie de pleurer...

Charo Valdivia Paz-Soldan

Copyright décembre 2024/janvier 2025.

Lima, 3 janvier 2025 

Milica Lilic 


Распирило се огњило

Божанске искре креснуле

Коло се Чило  раскрилило

 Чарне девице блеснуле

У круг се опет савило

У пупак жарни дарнуло

Циклус животни поновило

Жар јутро нам свануло.

Слава се памћењем орила

Богиња прва, једина,

Новим се девством овила

Из Духа Сина  родила

Дубине Слова појмила.

Распирило се видело

Новим се старо преплело

Корен животни појило!

Семела родом родила

Вас мир Словесни хранила

Питару  Првом се поклонила

Божански порив излила

Тророги темељ и увир

Предачки наук у распир

Ис- питати исконске боје

Где једно би  да буде Троје.

Куће нам на три сохе стоје

Вичанске мајке  шире повоје

Тривала шаре и разбоје

За нове младе домове

Где преци јасно говоре

Распири језик нагоре

Куд звезде смерове творе

Лепенски призвук отворе

Ту дешифруј  говоре -

Прастарог бића прозоре

И не дај да их затворе.


9.12. 2024.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

 ### Biography of Hariom Bawa

**Early Life and Background**

Hariom Bawa was born on December 4, 1983, in Haryana, India, a state known for its rich agricultural landscape and vibrant cultural traditions. Growing up in a rural environment, Bawa was immersed in the local art and crafts that characterized his community. From an early age, he showed a natural affinity for creativity, often sketching the scenes of village life that surrounded him—festivals, rural landscapes, and the daily activities of the people. 

Bawa's upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for the artistic heritage of his region, motivating him to pursue a career in the arts. His formative years were marked by exploration, experimentation, and a quest for knowledge, setting the stage for his future as an accomplished artist.


Recognizing his passion for art, Bawa pursued formal education in the field. He enrolled at the College of Art, University of Delhi, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in Sculpture. This program provided him with a solid foundation in artistic techniques, theory, and history. During his time in Delhi, Bawa was exposed to diverse artistic movements and ideas, which broadened his perspective on art and its role in society.

After completing his BFA, Bawa continued his studies by pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Sculpture at the Dr. Sanjoy Khure College of Modern Art in Amravati, Maharashtra. This advanced education allowed him to refine his skills and explore innovative approaches to sculpture. His studies focused not only on technical mastery but also on conceptual development, enabling him to express complex themes through his work.

**Artistic Journey**

Bawa’s artistic journey has been marked by a commitment to exploring the interplay between traditional and contemporary art forms. His early works were deeply rooted in the cultural narratives of Haryana, often reflecting the lives and struggles of rural communities. He used his sculptures to tell stories, drawing from folklore, mythology, and everyday experiences.

As he evolved as an artist, Bawa began experimenting with various materials and techniques. He embraced modern sculptural practices, incorporating mixed media and installations into his repertoire. This versatility allowed him to push boundaries and explore new dimensions in his work. His pieces often convey powerful messages about identity, environment, and societal change, resonating with a wide audience.

**Awards and Recognition**

Throughout his career, Hariom Bawa has garnered numerous accolades and recognition for his artistic contributions. He has participated in many national and international exhibitions, showcasing his work to a global audience. His dedication to his craft has earned him several prestigious awards, reflecting his status as an influential artist in the contemporary art scene.

Notable among these recognitions is his participation in the Artcom Expo, organized by the International Artists Association in Norway. This platform provided Bawa with the opportunity to connect with artists from around the world, fostering cultural exchange and collaboration. His work has been celebrated for its unique perspective and ability to bridge different artistic traditions.

**Membership and Professional Involvement**

In addition to his artistic practice, Bawa is actively involved in the art community as an international art coordinator and exhibition curator. His role in these capacities allows him to promote artistic dialogue and facilitate connections between artists, collectors, and audiences. He believes in the power of art to transcend borders and foster understanding among diverse cultures.

Bawa’s curatorial work often focuses on showcasing emerging artists and highlighting the importance of regional art forms. By creating platforms for dialogue and collaboration, he aims to support artists in their creative journeys and raise awareness about the rich tapestry of global art.

**Themes and Influences**

The themes present in Hariom Bawa’s work are deeply rooted in his experiences and cultural heritage. His sculptures often explore concepts of identity, memory, and the human connection to the environment. He is particularly interested in the impact of modernization on traditional lifestyles, reflecting the tensions between rural and urban existence.

Bawa draws inspiration from various sources, including literature, folklore, and his own life experiences. This eclectic mix of influences contributes to the depth and richness of his work. He employs a variety of materials—such as clay, metal, and found objects—allowing him to express complex ideas through tactile forms.

His sculptures are not only visually striking but also thought-provoking, inviting viewers to engage with the narratives he presents. By addressing social issues and cultural themes, Bawa seeks to create a dialogue that encourages reflection and understanding.


Adela Elisa Conejo

 El jardín de mamá

Hermosas las calas

que al cielo elevaban

con su generosa flor

 una bonita plegaria.

Ese jardín florido

era una enorme fiesta

de pétalos y mariposas

aromas y ensueños.

Marimoñas, alelíes

pensamientos, lirios

violetas y gladiolos

narcisos y geranios.

Las mariposas alegres

danzaban sobre las flores

donde todo era alegría

de risas de niños.

Era hermoso el jardín

que en primavera lucía

de júbilo y regocijo

donde el sol quedó cautivo.

Adela Elisa Conejo

Mendoza- Argentina


País: España

Fecha: 04/01/2025


Todo lo entendí al observar tus ojos,

al escudriñar tu mirada 

y percibir el sufrimiento de tu alma, 

que se asomaba, 

triste y apagada,

y me observaba desde las sombras, quizás esperanzada.

Eras un ave herida, 

tus alas ya no eran capaces de emprender el vuelo.

Te hicieron daño, 

mucho daño,

apagaron tu luz 

y mataron tus sueños,

devoraron tus ilusiones

y te lanzaron, 

inocente y desvalida,

de cabecita al infierno.

Desde allí me miraste, 


demandando mi ayuda,

permitiéndote imaginar una salida 

a tu temible tortura.


me suplicaron tus ojos.


me reclamaron tus labios,

sin pronunciar palabra, 

tan solo un tímido silencio.

Yo ya me había enamorado,

de tus ojos, de tus labios, 

de tu pena, de tu anhelo.

Yo sería tu luz y tu consuelo,

quién reparara tus alas 

y te ayudara a emprender el vuelo,

porque sí, porque lo mereces, 

porque te amo, 

porque te quiero.

Todos los Derechos Reservados

Imagen de Instagram chroism_art 

Yuto Otsuki

Friday, January 3, 2025

 Autora: Elizabeth Nogales Bohórquez 

País: Bolivia 🇧🇴


Mi ventana de cristal 

alhaja translúcida

que se quiebra ante el mal.

Acaricio lo mágico 

cuando la nieve cae,

ignoro lo trágico 

en tanto una rama rae.

Mi ventana de cristal 

detiene el frío, 

el viento y la sal,

la mirada y el brío 

buscan el portal,

donde la ilusión anida

cerca del zaguán.

desde donde otea 

al tiempo pasar

Entonces pregunta

¿Dónde los días van?. . .

Perdida en la figura de un ampo

se cavila el pensamiento 

haber visto de todo, tanto 

a veces causa retraimiento;

dar las gracias a Dios 

es lo único que haremos;

porque para él. . .

Sólo somos átomos 

divagando libres en el universo.

المنتدى الدولي للإبداع والإنسانية المملكة المغربية

 Alexander José Villarroel Salazar  País : Venezuela  Poema: Te busco  Te busco tras quimeras inservibles Tratando que sean posibles Mis rea...