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Sunday, December 29, 2024


The Essence of Feminine Magnificence: A Poetic Exploration

Tajalla Qureshi

Women are the essence of aesthetics, the sculpture of romantics, and the beauty and embrace of the gigantic. More longingly, a sense of fullness, floral fumes, and loveliness resumes. Undoubtedly, the enormous delight for humankind, the sizzling sweat of real butterflies, the mysterious might, the warmness in Freezy winter nights, the shelter in worst misery fights, the eyes that evenly bright, an ecstatic creature by the Supreme Glory. Women are the master wearers of magnificence, diligence, and delightfulness, the holders of passion, pleasure, and possessiveness, their aesthetic affection and attention are the kaleidoscope of lacquers. 

Likewise, Helen Keller`s enthralling verse swing has been in my mind for ages, it lionizes the beauty felt by heart and clicks in my mind again while knitting. Women`s magnificence, beauty, and brilliance lie in her touches that can only be felt by the transparent souls, in fact the genuine beholder.

 "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched—they must be felt with the heart." ~Helen Keller

If colors have emotions, I would paint the beauty of women's aesthetic approach, the mindfulness of capturing more. Being a poet, I state not only physicality but the utmost emotionality, sincerity, innermost integrity, and spiritual visibility that dwelled deep since the beginning of mankind recollecting the diversity, applauding as an emblem of innocence and empowerment. She can mold the human mind to any order with her magnificence, and royal endurance yet to another extent her miserable instabilities, matchless obsessions, deep divergence, and cruel insecurities can destroy stability, delight equilibrium, and delightfulness. As beautifully, writes

 "The echoes of beauty you've seen transpire, Resound through dying coals of a campfire”~ Ernest Hemingway 

More overly, I sense, that the aura of feminine magnificence defines their lightheartedness, when the heart of this adorable creature is full of delights, pleasures, and divine affection, she blooms and grooms, she wobbles like a cool breeze, she echoes like a timeless muse, it all depends on her priorities, her boundaries, her stretch margins. But once she earns anyone enters her boundaries, she either shapes the divine dimensions or fires the crystal castle, relying on the manner of remedy and tone of tangibility. I reckon the aesthetic sovereigns are the game-changers.

Poetically, I all adore the magnificence of women's love, the heart compellers they are, the heavenly engagers where aesthetic beauty and chastity dazzle but, on the other side of the coin, if the threads are weakened and grips are not strong enough then the magnificence move away in terrible shuffles. She weaves as innocent, so value her innocence, all shines and shimmers within. Yet, the standards of modern beauty are enormously high, relating to the magnificence of appearance. Social media has democratized the actual aesthetics of beauty, excessively it all redefined the luxurious glimpse.  

“Beauty: the heart of a female, must be praised by the holder of transparency, seeker of tranquility, it relishes fate” ~Tajalla Qureshi

With context to literature, I ink the canvas with the beauty perception of Greeks are associated with mythological goddesses that further express the sketch lines of magnificence through the characters for instance: Aphrodite and Athena are frequently intertwined with beauty, wisdom, and love that idealize physical perfection while Egyptians recount magnificence with divine supremacy. The Roman Empire demarcated it as the symbol of indulgence and superfluous, to status and wealth, one who has the power of luxury, can be the most magnificent, concerning it to the materialistic approach, and after them, the Middle Ages scuffle the standards society set for beauty and magnificence, yet an unethical approach. They shifted towards modesty and humility, one with the humblest heart, vulnerable soul, and greatness in all scores. Women`s Magnificence was heavenly seen through their moral character, integrities, and ethics, with deep emphasis on their virtues rather than their physical appearance. 

Furthermore, in the Renaissance, women most often variously acquired profound proficiency, and magnificence was altogether outlined as an artistic approach through the acknowledgeable diversity, yet harmony and congruence were revisited. Whereas romantics overly, amplified the essence of beauty, braininess, and brilliance on their canvas, they artistically adored the emotional intensity, likewise, loveliness was the reflection of core qualities, for instance, Keat and Shelley immortalized their muses through beauty and perception. Moving towards Modern and Contemporary, Women`s magnificence has grown into diverse and dynamic perceptions of empowerment, and individualism. As Byron beautifies in her poetic expressions:

"She walks in beauty like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies."

“She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron

More enchantingly, I would love to highlight, the resilience and magnificence that dwells in the feminine heart, the holder of innocence, yet the fire too, and humbleness yet the dramatic demolishers too, until, unless someone abruptly airs it with a chain of black stones. She is an ocean of emotions, durable, powerful, and high like heaven. But beneath her fiery fusion is a bright brilliance, enormous embrace, and endless grace. Water her shoots and see the magic begin her brilliance bloom.


Coupled with all, I cite my poem that pleasingly showcases the magnificence of her exquisite devotion, love, and compels towards the innocence, transparency and eloquence in feminine character. How brilliance beholds? How fate beautifies duty? How believe be love by beams? Here are my verses that appealingly manifests the charm and beauty in innocence of earth.


Her aura heats with compassionate fire

Melting fears, with love`s delicate desire

Gentle compels, she engages, through the admires

Weaving threads of pair, repair, and soft care

Tender amorous, only in her embrace, all are deeply fair Dwells down, the one ever-lasting forgets, yet it's rare Beyond the mountain lines, she sensibly signs the right

Athena like the aroma, in heaven-like eyes, when she sights Altogether a mound of magnificence bound in a pack

Rare in rare, she magnetizes the melodies, unveiling the track 

Her aura like Hera whispers timelessly jewel at every smack.  

 The Magnificence of her “LOVE” by Tajalla Qureshi


“All were fated to find her roads to glory

All were picturized to pick her up with a story

Yelling becomes dwelling deeper with delight

Ashes arch into golden pearls in ages of night

Rarely jingles of rejoice and recoil, keep her ride

She senses the melody and might, seat at her side

Chosen to choke the intellectual sublimes

Praised by the Heavenly Power to create rhymes

Certainly, a lavender that desires a delightful sight 

From the ground of vultures, she shifts towards light

One that is aware of her transparency, creates her

Right between the twilight, she emerges as a flur

Yet! Fate finds her innocence and immense urges

Knitted knots assume her to deem the submerge

Her stream of slashes evokes her above-love

Destiny decors her promenades to provoke the dove

Wisdom, she hauls, Beauty she applauds

Blow the blaze, Beat the bubbles to make her broad 

She, a dove from Heaventh, a soul from the seventh 

Rise and revise the glimpses of warm hearth”.

“Clicks in her Fate” by Tajalla Qureshi 


Your phantasmagorically pinktastic lips

ravish and radiate the spring with whom you often clips

in all weak and woe, your transparencal legacy

evokes and chokes the faded fumes as supremacy

You showered in every freshness of fragrance 

You wondrously bloomed the unbloom blissfulness

Your eyes are the caves for enjoyable elegance

Appraise and often praise by the intellectual intelligence

they sipped the wine from your confectionary hives

they clutched the beautious gleam, glint your live

You live for loveliness welcomed by the Glory-Maker

They often find you, in your elegant devotion as taker

Head to toe, unforgetfulness, inexpressible sense

kissed up the feet, embraced the beats, all intense

Your dressed the innocence, magnificence and benevolence altogether 

through your female expressions, intentions and sensations, as a poet’s written letter

Transparency, you are her refreshing riddle

Often shared the undue devotion, emotion, and motion, from the middle

You never loosen up the bees and birds, 

They, unfortunately, they, fortunately, poor herds.

“To the Transparency” by Tajalla Qureshi

I finished off my conversation with endless regards to the beauty, loveliness and translucency. The wisdom, Innocence, and Magnificence in her character are the echoes of beauty that delightfully clasp tranquility and transparency even through the complexity of sorrows and mound of silence.

Tajalla Qureshi

Co-founder and Co-Editor at

Wordsmith Magazine, Pakistan

Interviewer and Associate Editor at

Insight Magazine, United States

Member of Humanist of World Organization




Tajalla Qureshi - a literary enchantress who intertwines embroideries of introspections and devotions with the delicacy in the realm of words. She is a proficient wordsmith, a poet, an international interviewer, columnist and an incredible editor from Pakistan. She writes poetry, creative columns, and flash fiction. 

In addition, she is the visionary Co-Founder and Co-Editor of “The Wordsmith E-Magazine, Pakistan,” where words are woven into magic. She is also an International Interviewer and Associate Editor at Insight Magazine, United States, and a member of the Humanist of the World Organization. Besides that she is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder at Calypso Magazine, Greece-Pakistan Project.

Furthermore, she was interviewed by Tamikio L Dooley from the United States and Abigirl Phiri from Zimbabwe, Africa. She is the member of World Healing, World Peace Foundation. 

Besides that, her writings including Poetry, Flash Fictions, Mirco Fictions and Creative Columns and Research papers have been published in diverse International Journals for her research papers, more than 40 international and national anthologies of poetry, Global magazines her poetry, fiction writing and columns, many international e-papers for her creative essays, and Online websites in Pakistan, United States of America, Germany, Canada, Africa, the United Kingdom, Greece, S.t Vincent, Bangladesh, and India. Her poem has been translated by Yongbo Ma, Chinese poet in Chinese. She becomes the face of Classio Opine, an African Magazine for two times. 

On the flip, Tajalla had conducted and featured the interviews of Tamikio L.Dooley and Dr.Rizwan at The Mount Kenya Times as an international interviewer, displayed on Google, further are aligned for up coming projects 2025. Her poem My Phoniex has settled in the exam for Honors 7semester at the University of Chenab, Pakistan. 

Additionally, She is enchanting as an Editor for my magazines including National and International from Greece and United States. She designed the covers, inner illustrations and writings. She organized literary events at The University of Chenab, Pakistan as the graphic designer and media manager. She has welcomed the trophy at the completion of his first national complied Anthology from The University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus, Pakistan.

On the other hand, she has artistically read her poetry at the Pakistani Young Writer`s Conference held at Mandi Bahauddin and presented her paper at Kinnard College for Women in Lahore, Pakistan. She has also presented papers at an international conference in Uzbekistan. Like a shooting star, her literary presence blazes across the sky, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who encounter her work.

Lastly, She believes that purity, authenticity, and transparency are the monuments of a beautiful pure soul. She reckons that passion and pleasure power and purify the spirit. Her aim is to blow out the lustrous love with the nature through her twinkling vibes

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