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Friday, May 8, 2020

"Rumi, a Human Soul"
Mazher Hussain Abdul Ghani


Falling in love with your own self and realizing the divine concepts of your creation on this earth make you to feel the happiness and pains of other human beings living around you. Human souls need to develop that eternal bond which could bring the whole humanity under the shelter of unity and peace.
Rumi discovered his own self by falling deep in love with Divine Grace and sensed what was hidden in him, he observed in others too. He felt that the whole universe is connected with a divine bond, none is separate. After this realization, he unified the Love of God with the Love of Humanity. He came to the conclusion that to love human beings is to love God. In Rumi's teachings and poeticism one can clearly find Rumi’s infinite love for human beings
"In fact, we are the one peerless in beauty, the one peerless in boons and favor."

Rumi advised his followers to appreciate the value of each other's presence and to love each other. We love our loved ones not because of their physical beings but because of God. His poetic verses emphasize that humility and unity can reduces the margin of differences and through mutual respect and harmony we can build bridges over seas to overcome distances between human souls. Rumi's poerty teaches us lessons of love, love for humanity and love for the Creator.

In divine melodies of ruminations, Rumi invites lovers, and says Come, join us. We are Lovers of God. If you join us, together we will travel to the isles of love to knock at divine doors. If you hold our hand we can open you the doors of the garden of love. Rumi's spiritual bond with Creator and love for humanity regards him with the title of a Sufi.

"We are invisible to the eye,
just as is the soul, we have no trace or mark,
just as the love of the lovers.
But our signs are in you and in front of you
because we are both hidden as well as apparent just as the soul.
Whatever you may be talking of look further,
and higher and even beyond that because we are beyond the beyonds.
You are like water,
but you remain in a hole,
you are imprisoned."  Rumi

Rumi's poetic approach is profound and beautiful. When a soul narrates Rumi's verses of self realization, he feels that he is opening a locked door to discover his own identity. Rumi's thoughts on the love of humanity are beautifully described here.
Since you are I and I am you, what is this ‘us and them’? We are God’s holy light, we are God’s mirror. So why are we struggling with each other? Why is one light running away from another light so much? We, all human beings, are gathered like a body in the being of a mature human. But why are we squint-eyed? Although we are limbs of the same body why do the rich look down on the poor? Why does the right hand look down on the left hand of the same body? Since both of them are hands of your body what is the meaning of lucky and unlucky on the same body? We, all the human beings, are in reality all one essence.

Rumi teaching are highly recommended and valuable to create an atmosphere of love and peace in society. Rumi poetry whisper many secrets to the ears of those who carefully read these and reflect on them thoroughly.

Mazher Hussain Abdul Ghani

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